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Just read what this jackass says!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Eric dayi » Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:05 pm

Eric dayi wrote:
Birkibrisli wrote:I wouldn't post there if they begged me on both knees. There must be some misinformed innocents on that forum,but the majority are ultranationalist,brainwashed,fascist arseholes,who take a sadictic pleasure in prosecuting anybody who dare to put forward alernative views.
You and your clan have brains washed in blood and guts and hatred for humanity.You are pathological cowards and double-dealing traitors to your homeland...You are a disgrace,and I wouldn't piss on you if you were colectively on fire... :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I called you a coward and here you have proven me 100% right. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby askimwos » Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:10 pm

Eric dayi wrote:Zan, he has been brainwashed by the Greek family who looked after him in Oz that he really doesn't know who he is or what he says. He is just another hypocrite who complains about others not wanting to hear what he has to say while at the same time admitts that he does not want to let us have our say and acusses us of being "ultranationalists".

He says he is fighting for a cause he believes in but at the same time he he does not want anyone to fight for their own cause and what they believe in. Hypocrisy at work. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Is he confused? No, he's just repeating the hypocrisy he was thought at the hands of the Greeks.

Is he an idiot? The biggest.

Is he a traitor? Only to himself because he allowed himself to be brainwashed by his own enemies who tried to butcher him like they did thousands in Crete, Kosova as well as in Cyprus and are still after the same enosis as they were in the '60s but this idiot is so far gone that he just doesn't see past his own nose.

If someone was to tell me that this idiot fought with the Greeks in the 60's to kill Turkish Cypriots, I would believe it.

Here is mister human rights and freedom of expression lecturing. Keep on talking to yourself mate...

I urge people to give this chauvinist what he deserves. This nothing more than ignoring his posts, lets refuse giving ultra-nationalists be it TC or GC a stage to preach their hatret,. JUST IGNORE HIM.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:28 pm

Eric Kavli wrote: It's spelled "Sydneyli" who also tried his luck as "Bidane" whom my good friend kicked out of the ATCA forum because this "Bidane" was just too stupid and contradicted what ever he said in one posting in his next one. He was there just to try and make trouble but the Admin saw straight through him and banned his arse.

Good riddence, now I owe the ATCA forum Admin a beer or two or three.

The biggest stupid in there is your boss Turkoglu and you the second one.
Your boss super asshole threatens each and everyone who disagrees with him or not in line with "the spirit of the forum" with ban and you have the nerve to come here and take advantage of this forum's freedom of speech?

We 've seen how you banned the only sensible person in there called Bidane.

The poor man "Bidane' had the audacity to say the Eoakas and the TMTs brought catastrophy to this place, and your head lunatic Turkoglu banned him for insulting the "brave TMT men"

Erik Kavli you are NOTHING BUT A BIG ZERO.

And your boss Turkoglu A MINUS ZERO. :razz:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:52 am

Zan wrote:This is exactly why I find the whole thing with people like you so scary. You have the word PEACE banded around in your posts as if you are the only one looking for it and then come out with so much hate. It must have been just like this when the Greek junta attacked defenceless civilian TCs back then and in my mind 80% of the people joined in because they thought they were right. It is a shame that the 20% that actually did any good and saved lives have to have their names dragged through the mud by people like you that will not even "Piss on a burning man", to put out the fire. You are the most dangerous type of person on the planet. You hide behind a facade of peace and kill in the name of it. At least with our real enemies they stand up and you can see them clearly. I argued with Alexios on this matter long ago about such people and how you and they have shaped my feelings on this issue and yet again I feel that familiar cold felling down my spine. You need to do a lot of soul searching to find who you really are because you do not know.

I kill in the name of peace???
My poor poor Zan,you must truly be deluded...
I admit that my experiences as a child and teenager in Cyprus have left deep trauma in my psych,and I have been dealing with it for a long time now...but you must've tipped over to the cookoo land,lost all sense of logic and proper cognition. Why are you scared of me???Because I happen to believe that you cannot achieve peace by building a castle on other people's land and vow to defend it to death??? Because I believe that the GCs nd TCs are the one and the same nation,divided by two artificial factors??? Because I believe that true peace lies in forgiving the past wrongs,learning the lessons from history,and building a new united Cyprus based on respect for human rights and equal oportunity for all???

If this makes me a monster to be feared than I appologise...
But I can't help it. My logic says there is only one way to peace in Cyprus which will have any chance of lasting longer than 3 years...And you know what that is... :evil: :roll: :evil:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:01 am

VP wrote:Great post, this is exactly why this type of Cypriot would destroy their own community for the sake of becoming just a Cypriot, they do not realize that they are being duped by GCs into a false sense of security, where was all this "brotherly" love back in 1963 onwards?? Its artificial and can only be proven in time when it just may be to late.

As for you, VP, if you are not part of a paid TRNC propaganda team,then you must be the most disturbed, scared and cowardly creature on earth. You are stuck in the bloody history of the 60s and 70s,and refuse to come up for air,to see that the world has changed and people have woken up from their deep slumber induced by forcefed nationalism and divisive hatred of their brothers...All I can do for you is advice you to get psychological help soon,before you lose it alltogether and go around killing people because you want to save them from the vampireous GCs... :evil:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:04 am

askimwos wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:Zan, he has been brainwashed by the Greek family who looked after him in Oz that he really doesn't know who he is or what he says. He is just another hypocrite who complains about others not wanting to hear what he has to say while at the same time admitts that he does not want to let us have our say and acusses us of being "ultranationalists".

He says he is fighting for a cause he believes in but at the same time he he does not want anyone to fight for their own cause and what they believe in. Hypocrisy at work. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Is he confused? No, he's just repeating the hypocrisy he was thought at the hands of the Greeks.

Is he an idiot? The biggest.

Is he a traitor? Only to himself because he allowed himself to be brainwashed by his own enemies who tried to butcher him like they did thousands in Crete, Kosova as well as in Cyprus and are still after the same enosis as they were in the '60s but this idiot is so far gone that he just doesn't see past his own nose.

If someone was to tell me that this idiot fought with the Greeks in the 60's to kill Turkish Cypriots, I would believe it.

Here is mister human rights and freedom of expression lecturing. Keep on talking to yourself mate...

I urge people to give this chauvinist what he deserves. This nothing more than ignoring his posts, lets refuse giving ultra-nationalists be it TC or GC a stage to preach their hatret,. JUST IGNORE HIM.

I agree with you,askimwos...This truly depraved individual who had less sense and sensiblility than a cockroach should be simply ignored...Addressing him as a human being is an insult to all cockroaches and rats put together... :twisted:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:11 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Eric Kavli wrote: It's spelled "Sydneyli" who also tried his luck as "Bidane" whom my good friend kicked out of the ATCA forum because this "Bidane" was just too stupid and contradicted what ever he said in one posting in his next one. He was there just to try and make trouble but the Admin saw straight through him and banned his arse.

Good riddence, now I owe the ATCA forum Admin a beer or two or three.

The biggest stupid in there is your boss Turkoglu and you the second one.
Your boss super asshole threatens each and everyone who disagrees with him or not in line with "the spirit of the forum" with ban and you have the nerve to come here and take advantage of this forum's freedom of speech?

We 've seen how you banned the only sensible person in there called Bidane.

The poor man "Bidane' had the audacity to say the Eoakas and the TMTs brought catastrophy to this place, and your head lunatic Turkoglu banned him for insulting the "brave TMT men"

Erik Kavli you are NOTHING BUT A BIG ZERO.

And your boss Turkoglu A MINUS ZERO. :razz:

I too had the misfortune of seeing the treatment this poor "bidane" person got from most of those lunatics at ATCA.I guess he/she was not prepared for what he was dealt out,and can only imagine what he /she must be thinking of his fellow TCs now...In a way they are their worse enemy...they are sooooo over the top with their Turkish nationalism and fanatical hatred of anything GReek or GC,that they make people reject their whole arguments without even considering if there is any logic in them... :roll: :evil: :evil: :roll:
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Postby miltiades » Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:39 am

Birkibrisli wrote:
Zan wrote:This is exactly why I find the whole thing with people like you so scary. You have the word PEACE banded around in your posts as if you are the only one looking for it and then come out with so much hate. It must have been just like this when the Greek junta attacked defenceless civilian TCs back then and in my mind 80% of the people joined in because they thought they were right. It is a shame that the 20% that actually did any good and saved lives have to have their names dragged through the mud by people like you that will not even "Piss on a burning man", to put out the fire. You are the most dangerous type of person on the planet. You hide behind a facade of peace and kill in the name of it. At least with our real enemies they stand up and you can see them clearly. I argued with Alexios on this matter long ago about such people and how you and they have shaped my feelings on this issue and yet again I feel that familiar cold felling down my spine. You need to do a lot of soul searching to find who you really are because you do not know.

I kill in the name of peace???
My poor poor Zan,you must truly be deluded...
I admit that my experiences as a child and teenager in Cyprus have left deep trauma in my psych,and I have been dealing with it for a long time now...but you must've tipped over to the cookoo land,lost all sense of logic and proper cognition. Why are you scared of me???Because I happen to believe that you cannot achieve peace by building a castle on other people's land and vow to defend it to death??? Because I believe that the GCs nd TCs are the one and the same nation,divided by two artificial factors??? Because I believe that true peace lies in forgiving the past wrongs,learning the lessons from history,and building a new united Cyprus based on respect for human rights and equal oportunity for all???
If this makes me a monster to be feared than I appologise...
But I can't help it. My logic says there is only one way to peace in Cyprus which will have any chance of lasting longer than 3 years...And you know what that is... :evil: :roll: :evil:

I do not expect Zan or VP , two of the most vociferous partitionists and non Cypriots to subscribe to what Bir says above. As far as common sense and decency Bir leaves both oh these fanatics miles away, here is a man who talks of forgiveness , a man who also lived through the turbulent years of 63-64 , unlike the two professional haters whose account of the conflict years is second hand and acquired through propaganda and brainwashing. As far as the other individual Eric , he is a non entity and I ignore his poisonous crap.
Bir , I have the utmost respect for your balanced views and you do not surprise me at all since I know literally hundreds of T/Cs who share your civilized and constructive views .
On my next visit to Paphos I will visit your village and pay homage to a great Cypriot.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:40 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
Zan wrote:This is exactly why I find the whole thing with people like you so scary. You have the word PEACE banded around in your posts as if you are the only one looking for it and then come out with so much hate. It must have been just like this when the Greek junta attacked defenceless civilian TCs back then and in my mind 80% of the people joined in because they thought they were right. It is a shame that the 20% that actually did any good and saved lives have to have their names dragged through the mud by people like you that will not even "Piss on a burning man", to put out the fire. You are the most dangerous type of person on the planet. You hide behind a facade of peace and kill in the name of it. At least with our real enemies they stand up and you can see them clearly. I argued with Alexios on this matter long ago about such people and how you and they have shaped my feelings on this issue and yet again I feel that familiar cold felling down my spine. You need to do a lot of soul searching to find who you really are because you do not know.

I kill in the name of peace???
My poor poor Zan,you must truly be deluded...
I admit that my experiences as a child and teenager in Cyprus have left deep trauma in my psych,and I have been dealing with it for a long time now...but you must've tipped over to the cookoo land,lost all sense of logic and proper cognition. Why are you scared of me???Because I happen to believe that you cannot achieve peace by building a castle on other people's land and vow to defend it to death??? Because I believe that the GCs nd TCs are the one and the same nation,divided by two artificial factors??? Because I believe that true peace lies in forgiving the past wrongs,learning the lessons from history,and building a new united Cyprus based on respect for human rights and equal oportunity for all???

If this makes me a monster to be feared than I appologise...
But I can't help it. My logic says there is only one way to peace in Cyprus which will have any chance of lasting longer than 3 years...And you know what that is... :evil: :roll: :evil:

Go tell that to the Americans and Australians.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:45 pm

Birkibrisli wrote:
VP wrote:Great post, this is exactly why this type of Cypriot would destroy their own community for the sake of becoming just a Cypriot, they do not realize that they are being duped by GCs into a false sense of security, where was all this "brotherly" love back in 1963 onwards?? Its artificial and can only be proven in time when it just may be to late.

As for you, VP, if you are not part of a paid TRNC propaganda team,then you must be the most disturbed, scared and cowardly creature on earth. You are stuck in the bloody history of the 60s and 70s,and refuse to come up for air,to see that the world has changed and people have woken up from their deep slumber induced by forcefed nationalism and divisive hatred of their brothers...All I can do for you is advice you to get psychological help soon,before you lose it alltogether and go around killing people because you want to save them from the vampireous GCs... :evil:

I am here in my country shoulder to shoulder with my brothers and sisters fighting for our right to exsist the best way we can under the circustmacies, where are you? remind us all, thousands of miles away??? and you feel you have the right to tell me I am crazy, Ill take it as compliment coming from someone like you.
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