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what is DVB-T ?

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what is DVB-T ?

Postby halil » Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:41 pm

To all Cypriots,
before 2012 all anoloque tv tranmissions are going to swiched off.What yoa are realy know about it ?
pls write your views about DVB-T
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Postby Sotos » Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:27 pm ;) So what is going to happen with all these TVs that use regular antenas? They will have to get an extra digital tuner? What was so bad with the analogue signal anyways?
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Postby halil » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:52 am

Sotos wrote: ;) So what is going to happen with all these TVs that use regular antenas? They will have to get an extra digital tuner? What was so bad with the analogue signal anyways?

Nothing was bad with analogue.the fundamental points are:
• Digital television, compared to analog, has the following advantages:
o A greater number of programs in the same occupied RF bandwidth
(typically four times or more)
o A lower RF power required to cover the same distance (i.e. a greater
immunity to noise and disturbances)Broadcaster can spend less money .less electricity.
o A better picture quality.HDTV can be.
o The possibility of building isofrequency terrestrial broadcasting networks
(SFN).with one frequency we can broadcast more than one transmitter site.its mean more private tv stations will open.more job. more variaty.
o The possibility of mobile reception without the typical problems affecting
analog systems
o The possibility of transmitting data and auxiliary services.

İn this web it is o.k to find technical part of it to understand what is the DVB-T transmission. ( )How about consumer side? You are right we need extra set-top box receiver.Who is going to pay for it.İn northern part of the Cyprus more than 90 % of the houses has got digital receivers.They can get all the programs via satellite. People will not buy the set-top boxes.İT's mean broadcasters have to thing .To who They are going to broadcast via DVB-T project.
What İ am thinking is broadcasters or gavoretmens have to give those set-boxes to consumers.

What is your ideas about set-top box support? pls write your view.
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Postby pitsilos » Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:56 am

i use a set top box, and i swear by it. they also came down in price one hell of a lot.

ps. i am looking in purchasing a twin tuner with a 160GB hard disk drive set top box as we speak.
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Postby iceman » Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:12 am

halil wrote:
İn this web it is o.k to find technical part of it to understand what is the DVB-T transmission. ( )How about consumer side? You are right we need extra set-top box receiver.Who is going to pay for it.İn northern part of the Cyprus more than 90 % of the houses has got digital receivers.They can get all the programs via satellite. People will not buy the set-top boxes.İT's mean broadcasters have to thing .To who They are going to broadcast via DVB-T project.
What İ am thinking is broadcasters or gavoretmens have to give those set-boxes to consumers.

What is your ideas about set-top box support? pls write your view.

The new TV sets manufactured are equipped with DVB-T tuners instead of analogue tuners so relax... no need to panic about set top box cost..
Analogue is not being switched off right away...
In North Cyprus,the local terrestrial channels are not likely to switch to DVB-T for at least another six years...the only channel capable of DVB-T transmission is the state run BRT and even they have no immediate plans to switch over...
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Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Apr 03, 2007 9:15 am

One of the key drivers for ‘digital’ is that governments can sell off the old analogue frequencies for ££££’s.

Theoretically you can get higher quality, in practice this will probably be higher quantity – more channels and more advertising.
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Postby Sotos » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:44 am

More channels is theoretical. I don't think Cyprus can afford to have more local channels than it already has. In any case until 2012 everybody will have some cable/dsl connection with TV channels on it. I have Mivision and it includes the local channels. So I almost never watch TV using the antenna.
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Postby halil » Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:16 pm

The new TV sets manufactured are equipped with DVB-T tuners instead of analogue tuners so relax... no need to panic about set top box cost..
Analogue is not being switched off right away...
In North Cyprus,the local terrestrial channels are not likely to switch to DVB-T for at least another six years...the only channel capable of DVB-T transmission is the state run BRT and even they have no immediate plans to switch over...[/quote]

İt is true not very soon we are going to Digital.To buy TV set with DVB-T tuner ,will cost u more than set-top box.BRT has completed DVB-T plans Very soon BRT is going to open a tender about DVB-T test tranmissions.
already brt has got 3 DVB-T transmitters.With these transmiters BRT can transmit 12-18 tv channels from Existing BRT frequencies.BRT plan is first to start from Selvilitepe and brt lefkosa center.Wait for 2-3 weeks you can hear about it.
İ didn't panic.İ am the one of them who works within these projects.what i am thinking about set-top boxes are we have to support the consumer.we must put it in our projects cost.than we can give it free to every house.As u know almost 90% has got sattelite systems.most of the channels are at turksat 1C and Turksat 2A.from TRNC only BRT and Genc TV broadcasting via sattelite.Kıbrıs tv,Akdeniz,Kanal T are broadcasting localy.more people wants to open tv the moment there is no empty frequencies.With DVB-T as u can see we will able to transmit more channels.While u have sattalite receiver are u going to spend extra money to get DVB-T.
at the moment LTV is broadcasting from south.İ am getting their signals.
it is coded.Transmit frequency is CH26 also ALFA Tv does.Both of them looks like test transmission.
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Postby halil » Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:30 pm

Sotos wrote:More channels is theoretical. I don't think Cyprus can afford to have more local channels than it already has. In any case until 2012 everybody will have some cable/dsl connection with TV channels on it. I have Mivision and it includes the local channels. So I almost never watch TV using the antenna.

There is no way. EU deceided to switch off at 2012.o.k u can get it in that about monitoring quality( cable/dsl ).with DVB-T at same channels u can get radios and data ,EPG, with PSİ/Si unit you can send too many information to consumers .
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Postby Sotos » Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:23 pm

With TV channels over cable/dsl you get good digital quality. I guess you could easily get HDTV also. And you can also have things like video on demand, games etc. I don't know if you can have those with this DVB-T. In the USA all TV is from cable. Almost nobody uses antennas in the cities there.
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