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Cat and Dog Life

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Cat and Dog Life

Postby devil » Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:06 pm

We have a lively dog who just loves to play with cats, but the cats don't like him. We also have a neighbour who has 11 cats (unneutered!!!!) at the moment but it has been as high as 18. These are free to roam and use our garden as a public toilet, miaoul at all hours under our windows and drive our dog mad. It has become painful to even let our dog into our own garden because his only interests are a) to chase any cats that happen to be in the garden b) to seek out the tracks of where any cats have been c) to peer through the fence at the cats that are in our neighbour's garden, tail wagging furiously and d) to attempt to climb over the chain-link fence to enter our neighbour's garden (he has succeeded on a few occasions by hanging on with his claws and using the fence as a ladder).

We have dropped hints to our neighbours that their bloody cats are a damned nuisance, but these have fallen on deaf ears.

1. Does anyone know of any way, without harming the cats, of keeping them away from our garden, preferably to a distance of 10 m or so?

2. We pay £6/year dog licence. Why can't there be a similar cat licence?
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Postby brother » Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:30 pm

In the u.k i had a similar problem and at many local stores you can purchase a substance you sprinkle around(heard there is spray alternatives also) and the cats do not go there.
Also we bought this metal plate shaped like a cats head which has two very bright marble eyes and you poke it into the ground and it scares other cats away.
The combination of the two means i have won my garden back and my kids can play without the fear of falling into or treading into cat shit.

And i will happily sign any petition that calls for cat owners to get a licence or risk losing their animal and fines as they can be a menace.
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Postby city » Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:42 pm

Hi devil,
even though I'm a cats lover ;-)..........
I know that there is a plant that you can have grow in your garden that keeps cats away. I just lost the name but I will check and get back to you...

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Postby cannedmoose » Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:44 pm

brother wrote:And i will happily sign any petition that calls for cat owners to get a licence or risk losing their animal and fines as they can be a menace.

Amen, in my experience, Cyprus has a SERIOUS cat problem. While I'm loath to suggest a Chinese restaurant solution :shocked: , something has to be done over there. Eating outside in old Nicosia at night time is like something out of a Hitchcock film at times. :evil:
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Postby city » Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:50 pm

Hi cannedmoose, what do you suggest then? I used to have a cat when living in CY and it was going round the fields all time. Untill someone put poison in the greens near the house. The poor thing nearly died. Lucky me and him that I heard him crying! So I took him to the vet and he was saved.

Ok, I see the differnce between domestic cats that belong to someone and the wild ones you mean, but still, I wouldnt know of any solution...

Actually the cypriots already do their part as they are driving over them wherever they spot one in the road.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:03 pm

In Cyprus cats are not just pets. In some areas of the US for example they have squirrels running around freely. In some other countries they have other animals in this way. In Cyprus cats fall in this category.

So you should consider those cats as part of the environment, like the birds are, and not as someones pets that run away from their owner. (most cats do not have owner and this is something normal for Cyprus)

Probably the cats of your neighbor are not his cats (in the way that usual pets are) , but semi-wild cats that he feeds with leftovers. So the only thing he can actually do is to stop feeding them so the cats will go somewhere else.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:07 pm

By the way, cats in Cyprus have a long history:

Oldest Known Pet Cat? 9,500-Year-Old Burial Found on Cyprus
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Re: Cat and Dog Life

Postby michalis5354 » Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:54 pm

devil wrote:
1. Does anyone know of any way, without harming the cats, of keeping them away from our garden, preferably to a distance of 10 m or so?

Yes I know. There is an item that I have recently seen on a purchasing catalogue from a company called betterware . This item is called Cat scare and the description of this is as follows:

Cat Scare
If cats are fouling your flowerbeds or disturbing your plants then this humane detterent could be the solution.The weatherproof black metal body has sparkling glass eyes that reflect the light to stare away the cat. Mount on a fence or peg directly into the ground .Will help to keep away birds too. 36 x 17.5cm (14.5inch x 7 inch). It has the shape of a Scary Black cat! :)

The price of this item is £4.99 + VAT. Code 17578 (Orders under £20 will be subject to £2 additional charge to cover the cost of packaging ,importing and transporting the goods)

If you find the above item usefull , I can give you the following details to contact them to place the order or to get your free purchasing cataloque which list many other items too. The purchasing cataloque is FREE , so you have nothing to loose. What is more it lists many other items too.

TEL 77 777 400
email [email protected]

This is a cyprus company that arrange to deliver this item from Betterware in UK.
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Postby davoice1 » Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:42 pm


i have heard an old greek wives tale that putting orange peel in your flower beds (or where ever you dont want them to go) also works as a deterant due to cats not likeing the smell

at least it's a humane way of getting rid of unwanted visitors (if it works)

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Postby city » Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:38 pm

Hi devil,

I promised to get back to you on this. I forgot to check at the weekend, but now I found what I was looking for. In general you can keep cats away from various places inside by using vinegar or onions juice. For the outside, there is a herb called "Gartenraute" in German and "Ruta graveolens L." in biological terms. I have this info from an english book by Desmond Morris, its called "Catwatching" which has been published in Germany as well.

( ... 75-8216406)

Actually it says that you should use the oil made out of that plant , but the book also states that it keeps cats away when you have it growing around the area you wish to protect.

Well, I have never tried it, but maybe its a chance. Dont ask me, where to get this plant from though.....

Good luck,
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