Big Al wrote:oh i love it when you greeks start talking so big, and to those that dont believe Turks are willing to go to war over cyprus, have a good look at history, we were prepared to go the war with a so call "nato ally" over cyprus and even more recently over a barron islet consisting soley of rock. Dont kid youselves, the EU carrott is not a big enough carrott to stop Turkey proptecting turks and their intersts.

Brings new meaning to the phrase "Sick Man of Europe".
Turkey is definately not eager to have a war with Greece. Things have changed since 1996. It is also acknowledeged that Imia falls within Greek borders from the world over. And Turkey has not declared war over this. It would be so stupid if it did.
And Big Al. How old are you? I am guessing that you are just an immature kid. You talk about making war as if it was a game of monopoly. Let me tell you, war is hell on earth and you have no idea what this means. Many people die, and for what?