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Cyprus MUST have commercial bases on Turkish soil…

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Paphitis » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:28 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Big Al wrote:GR, why dont you try and start drilling for these natural resources and watch your ships get blown out of the water by Turkey's navy. Turkey has already warned both southern cyprus and the international community that the TC comunity has a claim any natural resources around the island. This is why almost all multi-national resource company pulled out of the tender race one by one, leaving the southern govt tender requests in a shambles.
Just try and start drilling commercially and Turkey will fix you up... :sniper:

Cyprus will start drilling whenever it likes. And if you blow our ships out of the water, then the world will know what a schoolyard bully Turkey is. Hardly the behavior of a nation which is aiming to join the EU.

For a person who lives in Australia, you need to grow up and dispense with you ultra nationalistic and anachronistic ways. Can I remind you that the year is 2008!
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Postby Big Al » Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:44 am

oh i love it when you greeks start talking so big, and to those that dont believe Turks are willing to go to war over cyprus, have a good look at history, we were prepared to go the war with a so call "nato ally" over cyprus and even more recently over a barron islet consisting soley of rock. Dont kid youselves, the EU carrott is not a big enough carrott to stop Turkey proptecting turks and their intersts. :sniper:
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Postby CopperLine » Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:38 am

Does anybody know of examples from around the world of how seabed exploration/exploitation rights disputes have actually been dealt with ? Is it usual or exceptional to 'send the navy in, guns blazing' or do they tend to get sorted out in anonymous-looking arbitration offices ?
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:16 pm

Big Al wrote: Dont kid youselves, the EU carrott is not a big enough carrott to stop Turkey proptecting turks and their intersts. :sniper:

For a financially and socially troubled country like Turkey the SIZE of the EU carrot is actually HUGE, but the MENTALITY of the Turks is what is keeping them from seeing that. Like you pointed out, Turkey compromised peace in the Aegean by going after a barren 2x4 rock (Imia) and that alone is enough for anyone to see that Turkey’s priorities are pretty dumb… nobody ever doubted that! :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:27 pm

Big Al wrote:oh i love it when you greeks start talking so big, and to those that dont believe Turks are willing to go to war over cyprus, have a good look at history, we were prepared to go the war with a so call "nato ally" over cyprus and even more recently over a barron islet consisting soley of rock. Dont kid youselves, the EU carrott is not a big enough carrott to stop Turkey proptecting turks and their intersts. :sniper:

Brings new meaning to the phrase "Sick Man of Europe".

Turkey is definately not eager to have a war with Greece. Things have changed since 1996. It is also acknowledeged that Imia falls within Greek borders from the world over. And Turkey has not declared war over this. It would be so stupid if it did.

And Big Al. How old are you? I am guessing that you are just an immature kid. You talk about making war as if it was a game of monopoly. Let me tell you, war is hell on earth and you have no idea what this means. Many people die, and for what?
Last edited by Paphitis on Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:31 pm

CopperLine wrote:Does anybody know of examples from around the world of how seabed exploration/exploitation rights disputes have actually been dealt with ? Is it usual or exceptional to 'send the navy in, guns blazing' or do they tend to get sorted out in anonymous-looking arbitration offices ?

I’m pretty certain that seabed borders are no different to maritime borders and I recently posted a link which contained maritime disputes that included a seabed issue. Anyways, they all come under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) which has the following “Settlement of disputes mechanism”… ... ention.htm ... cedure.htm

Regards, GR.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:33 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Big Al wrote:oh i love it when you greeks start talking so big, and to those that dont believe Turks are willing to go to war over cyprus, have a good look at history, we were prepared to go the war with a so call "nato ally" over cyprus and even more recently over a barron islet consisting soley of rock. Dont kid youselves, the EU carrott is not a big enough carrott to stop Turkey proptecting turks and their intersts. :sniper:

Brings new meaning to the phrase "Sick Man of Europe".

Turkey is definately not eager to have a war with Greece. Things have changed since 1996. It is also acknowledeged that Imia falls within Greek borders from the world over. And Turkey has not declared war over this. It would be so stupid if it did.

And Big Al. How old are you? I am guessing that you are just an immature kid. You talk about making war as it was a game of monopoly. Let me tell you, war is hell on earth and you have no idea what this means. Many people die, and for what?

...... so sad and true :(
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:30 pm

Yeah, thats big coming from the country who wages war on Turks at every given opportunity for their "God given lands", sad bastards :roll:
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Postby Oracle » Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:46 pm

shahmaran wrote:Yeah, thats big coming from the country who wages war on Turks at every given opportunity for their "God given lands", sad bastards :roll:

Eeerrmmm ... how precisely can we do that? Are we over in Turkey, invading and waging war :?

...... If you care to remember with some precision, please ... Ottoman / Turks invaded Cyprus!
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Postby DT. » Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:58 pm

shahmaran wrote:Yeah, thats big coming from the country who wages war on Turks at every given opportunity for their "God given lands", sad bastards :roll:

huh? Cyprus declared war on Turkey? When? :?
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