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1st of April 1955, E.O.K.A

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby free_cyprus » Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:44 pm

to answer your question and to satisfy your ego and to satisfied your brain washed little cells i will say we have always spoke turkish and greek in cyprus there has never been another language in cyprus and there will never be another language in cyprus..................... now does this satisfy your little mind.................... this is waht you love to hear. if you dont know who has inved cyprus and ruled us or sold us or gave us away in the past then your lacking in many historic knowladge.......................also not only were we invaded butchered murdered rapped made to speak their languages take their riligions but we were enslaved then as we are now soooooo please wake up i dont know how old you are and if this is the best you can do as an argument regarding cyprus then i say to you be turkish or greek since you speak one of the languages
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Postby lupusdiavoli » Sun Apr 01, 2007 1:43 pm


It makes u feel "big" minimising the other side, whoever that is.

Ok, cypriot whatever u like.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:09 pm

lupusdiavoli , you are a refined , well educated enlightened and well informed individual , why are you bothering with this boorish , coarse unrefined ill informed individual clearly suffering from a repetitive "post" syndrome ?
Forgive my intrusion but I felt that you are far too civil to revert to the type of language that , unlike me , you may feel uncomfortable using.Carry on with your very interesting posts.
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Postby free_cyprus » Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:31 pm

you talk a lot of shit as for you lupusdiavoli
you are confused as to what side i take in this argument the answer to that question is very simple i take cyprus side all the time unlike you and all the others in this forum who proclaim to be turkish and greek cypriots i do not take sides im a cypriot whats so hard to understand about that do i have to be fecking turkish or greek to be a cypriot. does speaking turkish or greek make me greek or turkish.....................................miltiades i have met more people in soo called goverment turkish speaking and greek speaking to have an opinion here and all over the world regarding cyprus. news papers do the same thing t v does the same thing radio stations do the same thing they all devide and rule us.......................i chalange you openly to prove me wrong here and now as i chalange all the people in this forum to prove me wrong........................and the next time you go and speak with someone in high position in your soo called community ask them what the other side have done to us and they will be there for a day feeding you all the hate you need to hear and end of it you will end up hating ..................... dont tell me about my own people dont tell me about cyprus and dont tell me where their brains are they are all wankers tossers and they have no brains they are the worse kind of people on the planet when it comes to feeding people with hate and your thinking says you hate to i dont have hate in my heart for anyone im just talking about my cyprus and its people and if you dont know what they are like by now then you have no idea and you should not make comments about cyprus people
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Postby lupusdiavoli » Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:11 pm


Thanks for the good words but I am simply trying to show to Cypriot, u see free_cyprus that I don' t mind at all to call you as you prefer, selfdetermination is upon u, that likewise it's upon the others, whatever the side to determinate themselves.

On the other hand u don' t have to be "mad" or furious with whover disagrees with u. Alongside with selfdetermination there are meanings like selfappreciation. The latter means that what u are u are, the being of u comes from the inside. Thus u do not expect the other to satisfy your ego, or take your side, or determine what you really are, clever, active mind, tiny one, brain washed or not. Provided that you r selfaware there is no fear, nobody can invade u in any way. Words cannot touch u inside. Do u understand Cypriot? Because if that was the case with u you would had no need for rasping or should I say ranting around what u are.

You have no clue what am I really. Surely I am not Cypriot. You see the being of things has no need to show himself. It is simply what it is. Keep on speaking on behalf of homo Cyprianus. It seems though that your ancestors were so weak to keep their "being". You can always refer to them using the past.

Do not try to understand.
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Postby free_cyprus » Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:17 pm

lol your going to teach me about self calm are you lol your going to teach me about inner peace and the philosophers mind are you. and your going to teach me about cyprus and my people....................... can iask you waht line of work your involved in?????????????? im really curious to know
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Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:57 pm

Well I'm a brain surgeon , dont know what lup is , but here is my offer , half price for you chum !
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Apr 01, 2007 8:25 pm

"Mi parakalo sas mi lismonate tin hora mou..."
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Postby michalis5354 » Sun Apr 01, 2007 8:27 pm

ha ha i diki mou i patrida exei meirastei sta tria. mallon ta tessera me tin nekri zoni. :lol: :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:05 pm

Guys , its all Greek to me !
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