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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Simon » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:57 am

[quote]And yes, i was born in the TRNC, not long ago, i was not born in the RoC, and if the RoC is the only recognized state of Cyprus then explain me how the fuck i am born in Cyprus dumbass?! [/quote]

That says it all. Your level of stupidity is reaching new depths with every post. :lol: Re-read that to yourself, I know your not very good at reading, but go very slow and you might just work out what kind of bullshit you are talking. Surely I don't have to explain even the most basic of things do I?

When did you ever state you will not give up? Struggling with reading again Shah? You only have to go back a few posts and re-read slowly what I posted earlier. It sounds like you don't even know what you're talking about. You're confusing yourself. You did that earlier aswell didn't you Shah? Perhaps you need to take it easy for a while. :lol:

You assure me do you? Well thanks for that re-assurance, but I'm sure you're not the spokesperson for every TC now are you? What is there to give up? Well, if you have to ask that, then you are beyond help and it is not worth me even replying anymore.
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