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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby karma » Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:47 am

Simon wrote:I don't need or want to go to Turkey thanks, I have heard enough about the shit-hole to know I never want to go there. Oh my God, I have just insulted Turkey, lucky I don't live there, or I'd be arrested :lol: :lol:

Unfortunately u dunno wht u r missing if u never saw Istanbul/Constatinopole :cry:
the most beautiful city on earth indeed..
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Postby Simon » Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:50 am

Have you been to every City on earth? If not, then I think you're doing many others a severe injustice.
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Postby shahmaran » Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:51 am

Simon wrote:But I wouldn't expect you to know that. :roll:

oh yeah, because i only live there :roll:

how exactly do i support ethnic cleansing and separation, genius, care to explain?
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Postby karma » Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:58 am

Simon wrote:Have you been to every City on earth? If not, then I think you're doing many others a severe injustice.

I have been travelling the world since I was 18, and now I am 40 :wink:
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Postby Simon » Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:59 am

Shah comments:

[quote] i am happy to live in a situation that i know of and am used to, quite little village up in the north west. TRNC might not be the most prosporous country in the world but it is my country, legal or not, and i would not give it up just so i can live with people that im not even sure if they will accept me.[/quote]

Because you call 'TRNC' YOUR country! Legal or not! Not willing to give it up? A country that was formed on ethnic cleansing and separation? What would you call that, genius?
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Postby Simon » Mon Apr 02, 2007 1:59 am

Karma, I will take that as a 'no' then. :wink:
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Postby shahmaran » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:10 am

Simon wrote:Shah comments:

i am happy to live in a situation that i know of and am used to, quite little village up in the north west. TRNC might not be the most prosporous country in the world but it is my country, legal or not, and i would not give it up just so i can live with people that im not even sure if they will accept me.

Because you call 'TRNC' YOUR country! Legal or not! Not willing to give it up? A country that was formed on ethnic cleansing and separation? What would you call that, genius?

i was born and bred there, where do you suggest i go brainiac? south? UK? maybe the Caribbean? i hear New Zeland is a great place for people who don't have a legitimate country, maybe i can take my farms there too hey :lol:

OK seriously Simon, do you have any clue?
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Postby shahmaran » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:26 am

Well fuck you very much Simon, but i know exactly what i know which is the fact that i was born in the TRNC not in "Cyprus", legal or not its my home and the situation is what it is BECAUSE of your greedy leaders, and i really don't see how it is fascist, look back 40 years or so and you might see some REAL fascism at work, and it wont be the TCs either..

anyways you shouldn't be so quick to jump to such conclusions because i have never EVER said that i don't support a unified island, because i do, but then you are an utter fucking idiot so what else can one expect :lol:

but you are doing well tho Simon, keep it up :roll:
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Postby Simon » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:34 am

Shah, you was born in the 'TRNC' and not Cyprus. :roll: And you call me an idiot? You are probably the most dull person I have ever spoke to. You don't really see how it is fascist? Well a fucking idiot like you wouldn't, would you? You can't even read properly, as we've already established, so I don't expect much. I don't need to look back 40 years, I see it today. You support a unified island and the 'TRNC' at the same time, stating 'you will not give it up.' Just another intelligent remark from a fucking prat.
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Postby shahmaran » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:47 am

Whatever Simon, you cant judge today without looking at the chain of events that brought us here, and if you do then screw you, don't expect any reasonable debate from my part because I'm utterly sick and tired of dickheads like yourself who probably don't even live on this island but know what is best for us all, so fuck you, but i'm not buying your shit!

And yes, i was born in the TRNC, not long ago, i was not born in the RoC, and if the RoC is the only recognized state of Cyprus then explain me how the fuck i am born in Cyprus dumbass?!

When did i ever state that "i will not give it up"? You are becoming delusional now, what is there to give up, more of our rights?

We are Turkish Cypriots, the people of this island, and the only thing we will not give up is the fight for our rights to be on this island as the free people of any country should be, you getting me?

So if this is what will take FOR NOW, then be it, but i assure you that no TC will submit to the GC bullshit, such as the stuff you have been typing for the past hour!

And I'm sleepy now, so goodnight for now...
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