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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 06, 2007 2:47 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Hi, GR I surely hope you are right. We certainly (I mean Humanity) certainly does not need another war. BTW do you or would you / should you take Irans stupid threats seriously.
If the USA stops TELLING other people what to do, and work "together" instead, may be they can achieve better results from them.

Here’s a small taste of what I’m talking about although this may be out of date now… ... issile.htm

Israel issues far more aggressive and more frequent threats at Iran than the other way round so I wouldn’t worry too much about that; no love is lost anyway.

With regards to Israel attacking Iran on their own…it would be technically impossible for Israel to launch any form of aerial attack on Iran because fighter jets cannot fly that far and also have enough fuel to carry out a mission deep into Iran so they would need an aircraft carrier or mid-air refueling etc, so that can only mean a joint US/Israeli operation. Second, it’s highly unlikely that any of the countries sandwiched between Israel and Iran would give the Israelis permission to use their air space to travel through.

Get Real, I would have thought you would have got on your private Jet and sorted out Lenas' laptop by now. She been away too long. :cry: :cry:

Unreliable Rolls Royce engines are making this mission impossible too! :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:50 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, is it possible that a man of your age cannot understand simple facts ?.

You assume that my comments in response to yours indicate that I am in defence of Mugabe and his policies, you do not have the intelligence to understand that my comments merely indicated that it is not YOUR prerogative to insult the leaders of other nations, you are prone to adopt the standards of the ill-bred in most of your contributions to these discussions,yet, you feel you have ascendancy when you insist that other nations should adopt the principles of ours.

Do you not realise that our governments are the aggressors in the current conflicts in the regions under the spotlight now, that their foreign policies are condemned, even from within their own ranks?.

The U.S.A. has recently revealed that it's crime rate has escalated immensely, the U.K. cannot manage to properly empty it's dustbins, small examples of the kind of society you constantly advocate should be imposed on other nations.

There is an old Red Indian saying, "Put your own tepee in order before instructing others on theirs"

I feel very sorry for you Sir, you are too far gone to be taken seriously I fear. :( :( :( :( :(

Eliko , you do annoy me immensely , my level of tolerance when it comes to nonsense is very low unless it derives from an under 15 years old and the I raise it a little. Listen man , what is the matter with you . How many Brits and Americans emigrate to these shitholes like Zimbabwee and Iran for a better life ?? Now ask your self genious how many Iranians , Zimbabweans , Africans , third world nationals emigrate to the WEST for a better standard of living , social welfare , health care , education and all other benefits that their impoverished corrupt nations can not even dream about. Think before you speak , you are very naive , but extremely well rehearsed in the game of throwing disguised inslults at my direction.
As for this first class nonsense I again repeat , what a waste of an education no doubt provided by the West to you at no cost !!" The cost could have gone towards employing more rubbish collectors rather than rubbish arguments.

""""Do you not realise that our governments are the aggressors in the current conflicts in the regions under the spotlight now, that their foreign policies are condemned, even from within their own ranks?.""""
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:06 pm

GR; Damn your RR engines.Nothing better at your disposal? I will read your link. I just hope the Alliance between Israel and Turkey is not too militarily orientated. That would worry me. But I suppose Turkey said no to USA, it would be a fooly to say yes to Israel. Hypothetical poser! What if Turkey lets Israel use Turkish airspace on condition that on the way to Iran they drop a few cluster bombs by mistake on Northern Iraq. With politics you can never tell. Lets hope you are right for once :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:45 pm

miltiades, your level of tolerance is patently obvious in every contribution you make to these forums, you could not even engage in the discussion regarding the abduction of a small child, without introducing your foul language somewhere along the line, (regardless of the reason) for it's inclusion.

There is a strange inconsistency in your ability to vehemently condemn the murderous actions of Mugabe and his regime, yet vociferously uphold the greater evils perpetrated by the U.S.A. and others.

A very interesting case study for an after dinner topic at a psychoanalyst's convention, don't you agree?.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:59 pm

You do talk rubbish Eliko dont you. As for inconsistencies well look who now sees Mugabe as a murderer !! You are obsessed with hatred for America and the West . I wonder who would be a perfect candidate for psychoanalysis !!
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:14 pm

miltiades, why don't you READ my comments? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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