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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:20 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, Tsk Tsk Tsk, still resorting to the use of obscene language in order to press a point, are you not aware Sir that, whereas such language may be attributed to a 'slip of the tongue' in a heated conversation, it is totally unacceptable in a discussion between intelligent participants engaged in a written exchange of opinions.

You present yourself in a manner indicative of a loud-mouthed lout, you are unfit to tender an opinion on any of the subjects under discussion on this forum, your command of the English language bears testimony to truth of my assessment of you and negates every point and proposal you make.

I have just returned from a prolonged visit to another nation, I will not venture to tell you what I have seen and heard during the course of that expedition as it would be valueless to the likes of you, I had hoped to re-engage in these exchanges but must confess I am somewhat perplexed to note that you are still mindlessly transfixed in your Quixotic perceptions.

Kindly refrain from using such disgusting language, you may learn something even at this late stage.

Please do not take my comments as an insult, I am trying to illustrate what you may be perceived to be by any who do not know you, here then, is the opportunity for you to perhaps better yourself.

A man of your age should be ashamed of such outbursts, you have an obligation to at least TRY to offer some guidance to younger members of these forums, or is it your wish that they should also be dragged into the deep abyss of decadence your American counterparts wallow in.

:( :( :( :( :(

Just back from 5 days in Cyprus and what do I find ? The old American hater is back in full swing.
Don't be so stupid man , which part of my language did you find disgusting , was it my perhaps my derogatory utterly true comments on Bastard Mugabe or the Iranian Theocrats hell bent on destruction of their nation. Do me a favour and take another long break.

In the meantime hang around for my next "outburst " coming soon !
This will be directed towards the wankers who are also hell bent on destroying our nation , hang around kid you may learn something . Having visited dear Birs' village , Istinjo in Paphos I have been intensely fired up and getting ready to call a few truths that might surprise a few people.
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Postby Eliko » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:45 pm

miltiades, nice to see you are on form, greetings to you, it's been a long time.

Consider this small fact if you will, the 'Old Goat' Fidel Castro, has been the beloved leader of his country for generations, he walks freely among his people and converses with them leisurely in the market places, he has no need of heavily armed body-guards nor does he walk in fear of assassination.

Can Bush or Blair display the same cavalier attitude to their position ?

You have no right to be so dis-respectful to leaders of other nations, since the alternative system of government that you would foist upon them has a proven history of deceit and corruption unparalleled by any in the past.

Do you truly believe that the decadence we witness almost daily in our so-called democratic society, is something to be imposed on the civilised communities of other nations ?

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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Postby Eliko » Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:53 pm

miltiades, your disparaging comments directed at the Iranian president serve to illustrate admirably your inability to comprehend the simplest tenet of that nation.

Are you not aware of the fact that Iran is the product of an ancient civilisation?, you have the audacity to condemn the leader of such a powerful political and religious force without realizing just how ridiculous your reasons for so doing reflect on you.

Compare yourself to that man Sir, you may understand what insignificance means.

The leader of a country must safeguard the interests of his country, you would deny him that right.

Mugabe is also entitled to the respect his position attracts, the fact that their concepts are at odds with ours does not make them wrong, it makes them different, that is where you are constantly at fault in your perceptions, you just cannot grasp the fact that other nations do not wish to be interfered with by (what they perceive to be) inferior systems to their own.

Finally miltiades, may I draw your attention to the fact that I have never stated that I hate America, I submit my comments as I see them, I am certainly no fan of that nation for reasons obvious to me, you are entitled to your views equally, the next few months will reveal much and I will expect an apology from you for all the abuse you have subjected me to, meanwhile, let us try to understand each other a little better. Best Wishes to you and your family. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:02 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, your disparaging comments directed at the Iranian president serve to illustrate admirably your inability to comprehend the simplest tenet of that nation.

Are you not aware of the fact that Iran is the product of an ancient civilisation?, you have the audacity to condemn the leader of such a powerful political and religious force without realizing just how ridiculous your reasons for so doing reflect on you.

Compare yourself to that man Sir, you may understand what insignificance means.

The leader of a country must safeguard the interests of his country, you would deny him that right.

Mugabe is also entitled to the respect his position attracts, the fact that their concepts are at odds with ours does not make them wrong, it makes them different, that is where you are constantly at fault in your perceptions, you just cannot grasp the fact that other nations do not wish to be interfered with by (what they perceive to be) inferior systems to their own.

Finally miltiades, may I draw your attention to the fact that I have never stated that I hate America, I submit my comments as I see them, I am certainly no fan of that nation for reasons obvious to me, you are entitled to your views equally, the next few months will reveal much and I will expect an apology from you for all the abuse you have subjected me to, meanwhile, let us try to understand each other a little better. Best Wishes to you and your family. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Elko will not carry on satisfying your masochistic tendencies , but just for one last time let me tell you that you are an educated baffoon , when you come to the defence of a tyrant such as Mugabe who has brought nothing but misery and death to his own people that tells me what an absolute plonker you are. As for the Iranian megalomaniac who tells his people that a holy aura surrounded him when making his speech in the UN , a man who is destined to bring destruction to this old "civilization" that convinces me even more of your naivety and lack of common sense. I think you should take my advice and have another long break , your better suited to the ornithological forum than a political one. What an absolute waste of an education !
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Postby zan » Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:22 am

The blinkers are on and......................they're off..... :wink: :roll:
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:52 am

The USA or the UK will not invade Iran. They will take the cowardly option of letting the Zionists of Israel do their dirty work, who will just send in their airforce. (USA pilots and all). Iran might be in the "Middle Ages" as most of the posters say, but that is due to to Wests attitude towards Islam and the desire to control World Oil prices. It does not mean that I agree with the threats against Israel, but the USA should rein Israel in.
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Postby zan » Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:56 am

denizaksulu wrote:The USA or the UK will not invade Iran. They will take the cowardly option of letting the Zionists of Israel do their dirty work, who will just send in their airforce. (USA pilots and all). Iran might be in the "Middle Ages" as most of the posters say, but that is due to to Wests attitude towards Islam and the desire to control World Oil prices. It does not mean that I agree with the threats against Israel, but the USA should rein Israel in.

It looks like it is up to the intellectuals and the middle classes to lead the way as they did with South Africa. They are boycotting the Israeli education system and quite rightly too.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:42 am

miltiades, is it possible that a man of your age cannot understand simple facts ?.

You assume that my comments in response to yours indicate that I am in defence of Mugabe and his policies, you do not have the intelligence to understand that my comments merely indicated that it is not YOUR prerogative to insult the leaders of other nations, you are prone to adopt the standards of the ill-bred in most of your contributions to these discussions,yet, you feel you have ascendancy when you insist that other nations should adopt the principles of ours.

Do you not realise that our governments are the aggressors in the current conflicts in the regions under the spotlight now, that their foreign policies are condemned, even from within their own ranks?.

The U.S.A. has recently revealed that it's crime rate has escalated immensely, the U.K. cannot manage to properly empty it's dustbins, small examples of the kind of society you constantly advocate should be imposed on other nations.

There is an old Red Indian saying, "Put your own tepee in order before instructing others on theirs"

I feel very sorry for you Sir, you are too far gone to be taken seriously I fear. :( :( :( :( :(
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:47 am

denizaksulu wrote:The USA or the UK will not invade Iran. They will take the cowardly option of letting the Zionists of Israel do their dirty work, who will just send in their airforce. (USA pilots and all). Iran might be in the "Middle Ages" as most of the posters say, but that is due to to Wests attitude towards Islam and the desire to control World Oil prices. It does not mean that I agree with the threats against Israel, but the USA should rein Israel in.

Iran already has the ballistic technology, range, and payloads, to turn a tiny place like Israel into glass. Israel knows this very well and so will never attack Iran on her own but neither will the US because many of her bases around the world are well within Iranian missile range.

Attacking military installations in Iran is extremely difficult because there are too many of them and they are spread all over a huge land mass. On top of that Iran has many dummy installations setup to fool the enemy and much of what’s important is underground. An air force operation against Iran would be a mission impossible and could only trigger severe global repercussions.

Iran worked closely with North Korea since the early 90’s on mid-range missile technology so I assure you they’re not in the “middle ages” at least when it comes to that department.

Regards, GR.
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:52 pm

Hi, GR I surely hope you are right. We certainly (I mean Humanity) certainly does not need another war. BTW do you or would you / should you take Irans stupid threats seriously.
If the USA stops TELLING other people what to do, and work "together" instead, may be they can achieve better results from them.

Get Real, I would have thought you would have got on your private Jet and sorted out Lenas' laptop by now. She been away too long. :cry: :cry:
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