Eliko wrote:miltiades, Tsk Tsk Tsk, still resorting to the use of obscene language in order to press a point, are you not aware Sir that, whereas such language may be attributed to a 'slip of the tongue' in a heated conversation, it is totally unacceptable in a discussion between intelligent participants engaged in a written exchange of opinions.
You present yourself in a manner indicative of a loud-mouthed lout, you are unfit to tender an opinion on any of the subjects under discussion on this forum, your command of the English language bears testimony to truth of my assessment of you and negates every point and proposal you make.
I have just returned from a prolonged visit to another nation, I will not venture to tell you what I have seen and heard during the course of that expedition as it would be valueless to the likes of you, I had hoped to re-engage in these exchanges but must confess I am somewhat perplexed to note that you are still mindlessly transfixed in your Quixotic perceptions.
Kindly refrain from using such disgusting language, you may learn something even at this late stage.
Please do not take my comments as an insult, I am trying to illustrate what you may be perceived to be by any who do not know you, here then, is the opportunity for you to perhaps better yourself.
A man of your age should be ashamed of such outbursts, you have an obligation to at least TRY to offer some guidance to younger members of these forums, or is it your wish that they should also be dragged into the deep abyss of decadence your American counterparts wallow in.
Just back from 5 days in Cyprus and what do I find ? The old American hater is back in full swing.
Don't be so stupid man , which part of my language did you find disgusting , was it my perhaps my derogatory utterly true comments on Bastard Mugabe or the Iranian Theocrats hell bent on destruction of their nation. Do me a favour and take another long break.
In the meantime hang around for my next "outburst " coming soon !
This will be directed towards the wankers who are also hell bent on destroying our nation , hang around kid you may learn something . Having visited dear Birs' village , Istinjo in Paphos I have been intensely fired up and getting ready to call a few truths that might surprise a few people.