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I demand EQUAL SODOMITY RIGHTS for the 15 British hostages!

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Postby Simon » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:35 pm

While I can understand and accept people being against the Iraq war, I cannot understand how anybody can side with Iran on the British Personnel issue. People who do so are simply just anti-British, anti-West in general and therefore there is no reasoning with them. However, I will try.

It is clear by the evidence that they were in Iraqi waters. The British say so, the Americans say so, the Iraqis say so and the EU says so. Even the UN has demanded their release. Even the IRANIANS PUT THE BRITISH PERSONNEL ORIGINALLY IN IRAQI WATERS, THEY CHANGED THEIR MINDS ONCE THE BRITISH HAD POINTED THIS OUT TO THEM. That says it all. :roll:

Even if they were in Iranian waters (which it is clear from the evidence that they wasn't) their capture is STILL ILLEGAL. Why do I say this? Because they are there under a UN mandate, and in that instance, it would be illegal under international law to hold them as prisoners. What would have been legal is if Iran would have demanded that they left immediately. DETAINING THEM WAS STILL ILLEGAL EVEN IF THEY WERE IN IRANIAN WATERS.

I know it is extremely popular for people to hate Britain and the US at the moment, but please try to stay at least slightly impartial. What about the way they have paraded them on television? This is a barbaric action from a barbaric state that denies the holocaust and wants Israel 'wiped off the face of the earth.'
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:40 pm

Simon wrote: Why do I say this? Because they are there under a UN mandate, and in that instance, it would be illegal under international law to hold them as prisoners. .'

Sorry Simon, but there is NO UN mandate for UK to be in Iraq. Afghanistan YES, but Iraq NO:
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Postby Simon » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:41 pm

Sorry Kikapu but you are incorrect. The multi-national forces have a UN mandate to police the Gulf. That is what they were doing.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:47 pm

Simon wrote:Sorry Kikapu but you are incorrect. The multi-national forces have a UN mandate to police the Gulf. That is what they were doing.

Then I guess we are talking about two different things then.

In any case, I'm not on Iran side on this issue, but even if they were on UN mission to patrol the Gulf, they would need to get authorization to enter Iranian waters, if in fact, that's what they have been accused of doing. Who is to say, they were not spying, under the banner of the UN flag. It won't be the first time that such things happened.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:47 pm

miltiades wrote:
dancingbear wrote:All this crazy notion that Iraq never attacked us, well All my reading of History is that prior to 1939 I cannot find one statement that said Germany Bombed Britain, so whats different.

I am not saying that we should attack Iran, but they should be made to squirm.


Taking out their Nuclear sites would be a start , but I guess Israel is planning to do this sooner or later. These idiots will never progress in the 21 st century , they will take one step forward and 100 backwards, but then that is the M East ! Just as long that they remain brainwashed by their system and their culture they will always be backward.

Are you implying that countries that are "backwards" should be bombed to smithereens? What on earth are you implying anyway?
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:52 pm

Simon wrote:Sorry Kikapu but you are incorrect. The multi-national forces have a UN mandate to police the Gulf. That is what they were doing.

Absolute rubbish!
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Postby Simon » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:52 pm

Spying? Kikapu do you really believe this garbage. Did you read my previous post? Even Iran originally put the British personnel in Iraqi waters; they changed their minds once the British pointed this out to them. :lol: In any case, do you really think the British need to enter Iraqi waters by 0.5km (as the Iranians say) to spy? That is just over one quarter of a mile. They would need to go much further than that to spy. The Americans have state of the art satellites to do that just fine.
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Postby Simon » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:55 pm

Get Real, you need to learn the facts before dismissing this. You are only making yourself look stupid, nothing else.
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Postby dancingbear » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:57 pm

Read this ... penElement

for 12 months and as been renewed every year since.

Anyway why wasnt the ship that the Uk boarding party were investigating not arrested by the Iranians, surley if the RN were in Iranians water then these were too, they were on their way to Iraq.

Last edited by dancingbear on Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:58 pm

Simon wrote:Get Real, you need to learn the facts before dismissing this. You are only making yourself look stupid, nothing else.

Fine, post the mandate that gave the US/UK or anyone else the authority to invade Iraq the second time round.
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