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Postby twinkle » Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:11 pm

I can see the headlines

1st August 2007 US troops pull out of Iraq

2nd August 2007 US troops invade Iran
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:28 pm

miltiades wrote:Don't worry they will .Iran's days are numbered , As for the kind words by Get Real , it is so bloody typical of G/Cs displaying their concern when it comes to their mates out in the M.East , in Chile , in Botswana , Cuba , and in every other highly influential tin pot little state in the world.

Miltiades you're a very confused man... on the one hand you seek justice for Cyprus and on the other you say bugger the rest!

For your information Iran is a very peaceful country that respects all her neighbor’s borders and is a member of most international organizations that support/promote peace and prosperity.

I challenge you, and anyone else for that matter, to prove that Iran has caused such wrongdoing to others that they now deserve to be assaulted.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:57 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:Don't worry they will .Iran's days are numbered , As for the kind words by Get Real , it is so bloody typical of G/Cs displaying their concern when it comes to their mates out in the M.East , in Chile , in Botswana , Cuba , and in every other highly influential tin pot little state in the world.

Miltiades you're a very confused man... on the one hand you seek justice for Cyprus and on the other you say bugger the rest!

For your information Iran is a very peaceful country that respects all her neighbor’s borders and is a member of most international organizations that support/promote peace and prosperity.

I challenge you, and anyone else for that matter, to prove that Iran has caused such wrongdoing to others that they now deserve to be assaulted.

Get real , firstly let me assure you that at 61 I still have all my marbles and totally in control of my senses. Further more unlike the vast majority of my compatriots I was fortunate to escape the incessant anti American anti British tirade.
As far as Iran is concerned , the West feels threatened by the prospect of a theocratic regime developing WOMD more so following the irresponsible expression of their President's wish to annihilate the state of Israel. All nations in the area ought to throw their weight behind the West and stop this regime , that still has stoning by death in its legislature , from EVER developing nuclear weapons. This nation has buried it self in medieval times and the only losers will be themselves.
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Postby Baggieboy » Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:04 pm

In defence of the British, not everyone here believed the lies when the Iraq war started. We were fed the usual propaganda by the gutter press about Saddam, but some of us saw through it. There were huge protests against the war (which I attended - and we were treated like scum by the police), but most still went along with it - thinking they could trust our beloved leaders. 4 years later and that minority has become a majority.

I'd suggest support for the war in Britain is now at its lowest as the truth slowly comes out. There were no WMD's, but there was lots of oil.

Re. Iran - I strongly believe these 15 are being used by the British Government. The press once again is being xenophobic, and the letters & speeches from the prisoners who say they are being treated well are dismissed as being done under duress.

Please remember - our Government does not represent all of us - but the "opposition" (i.e the Tories) is no different. Only the 3rd major party in Britain was againt the war, but they will never hold any real authority here.

Please don't think that everyone here supports Blair and Bush - many do not, and that number increases daily.


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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:26 pm

And many do , this is democracy not theocracy.Long may our western values survive the onslaught by the third world medieval tribes.
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Postby dancingbear » Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:39 pm


Please don't think that everyone here supports Blair and Bush - many do not, and that number increases daily.

But there are tens of millions that do, its just that the left wing Liberals that have Hijacked the Radio-Tv and papers.

Uk and the USA and 30 odd other countries were given a UN mandate to attack and invade Iraq, France wanted another vote and if it would have passed, would also have joined in.

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Postby dancingbear » Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:43 pm

All this crazy notion that Iraq never attacked us, well All my reading of History is that prior to 1939 I cannot find one statement that said Germany Bombed Britain, so whats different.

I am not saying that we should attack Iran, but they should be made to squirm.

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Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:21 pm

dancingbear wrote:All this crazy notion that Iraq never attacked us, well All my reading of History is that prior to 1939 I cannot find one statement that said Germany Bombed Britain, so whats different.

I am not saying that we should attack Iran, but they should be made to squirm.


Taking out their Nuclear sites would be a start , but I guess Israel is planning to do this sooner or later. These idiots will never progress in the 21 st century , they will take one step forward and 100 backwards, but then that is the M East ! Just as long that they remain brainwashed by their system and their culture they will always be backward.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:09 pm

dancingbear wrote:Richie,

Please don't think that everyone here supports Blair and Bush - many do not, and that number increases daily.

But there are tens of millions that do, its just that the left wing Liberals that have Hijacked the Radio-Tv and papers.

Uk and the USA and 30 odd other countries were given a UN mandate to attack and invade Iraq, France wanted another vote and if it would have passed, would also have joined in.


Bear, you are an idiot.

USA and partner in crime UK and the coalition of the bribed, never had a UN resolution to attack Iraq. The resolution was, if Iraq did not cooperate, there would be serious consequences. Once Hans Blick and his team were having a hard time finding anything that resembled a WMD, they were pulled out of Iraq and the bombing started, because France would have voted NO on the next round of resolution, to attack Iraq.

Once again, you are an Idiot.

Now you are going to post bunch of crap to try and prove me wrong, like you did last year.

It still makes you an idiot.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:10 pm

dancingbear wrote:All this crazy notion that Iraq never attacked us, well All my reading of History is that prior to 1939 I cannot find one statement that said Germany Bombed Britain, so whats different.

I am not saying that we should attack Iran, but they should be made to squirm.


You're still an Idiot.
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