miltiades wrote:Eric dayi wrote:the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:not this twunt now - thats all we need.
he you reckon Eric Dayi and Fanos Droushiotis are the same Turk nationalists? One goes and another comes in the same minute.
Hey, I forgot to ask, which one are you, the "snake" or the "crane"?
Calm down boy, I am not Greek and don't claim to be one either. I am a Turkish Cypriot through and through and as much a nationalist as you or any one else here, get it?
If you are a T/C , through and through ! then show it .Your avatar is that of Turkey that happens to be ,
Ok, you want me to change my avatar to something that means oppression, not wanted and hated like the so called "Cyprus flag"?
I was a "Cypriot" for 3 years until the GC's decided to tell me different by trying to genocide the whole TC's in Cyprus by repeating the Crete history. Then I woke up to relaity and became a PROUD TURKISH CYPRIOT flying the TURKISH FLAG AND THE KKTC FLAG.
along with Greece , the two nations responsible for all of Cyprus's tragedies.
I honestly thought that "It's not my fault Sir, it his fault " type of chiuldishness stopped once when one left school but I am being proved wrong over and over again.

I understand your close ties to this nation , but it is a foreign nation and you being a Cypriot have little common ground to share with.
The above proves to me that you understand nothing or at least you try to make as if.
Being a "Cypriot" is a nationality NOT a race. Your race belongs to the Greek race and mine belongs to the Turkish race. We are not just Cypriots, we are two completely different race with the only common thing of sharing the same nationality.
You can lie to yourself and try to lie to others about your own self but allow me to choose what race I belong to witout you and people like you trying to dictate to me what I am or not.
We Turkish Cypriots came from Turkey a while back as you Greek Cypriots arrived from Greece a while back. Living together on the same island does not make us the same people/race.