Talking about "unbalanced" I must say that out of all the crap I read in this thread the below by Bir has to be the best example.
Birkibrisli wrote:The reason why we think we can't live together as one nation now,is the same as the reason why we were not allowed to in the first place...
Is that right????
Because it did not suit the interests of those big powers who still keep telling us how different we are,and how we couldn't possibly live together without slaughtering each other...
What big powers are you talking about Bir, care to name a few?
And we are such stupid suckers we are still falling for it.
Talk about yourself mate.
Only now perhaps we have some excuses.
What's your excuse?
EOKA and TMT did their best to stop us becoming a nation,often using terrorist tactics to drive their points home.
Ermmm...hang on, I thought you said it was the "big powers"?
We have thousands of people missing presumed dead. Some of these people were killed by their own side,but the blame was easily cast onto the other side.The real murderers lived for many years with impunity,and some still do,often looked upto as heros by their community... Hundreds of thousands of people were made refugees,as many more were driven into exile...These people were often given "the mushroom treatment" -kept in the dark and fed on bullshit!!! For the past 100 years,perhaps longer,there has been a systematic campaign to make the two sides hate each other.No one was spared and nothing was left untried in order to split us up...And this continues today mostly in the media and amongst politicians. What have we done in all this time to counter these winds of hatred?These floods of bitterness and pain? What are we doing now except paying lip service to our brotherhood?
We have been well and truly brainwashed to hate our brothers and sisters.We have swallowed whole loads of propaganda shit from both sides,but we can only see the one from the other side...We are scared out of our minds,we have been deeply traumatised by the terrible events,real or imaginary. Are we now surprised that we cannot stand above it all,and acknowledge the big con trick played on our nation,our people,ourselves...Are we really surprised that we "cannot get along"???
BRAVO, BRAVISIMO......How long did it take you to come up with this?
Have you forgotten about Crete or is that something that we Turks just imagined?
Bir, if you are so keen on living with the GC I am just wondering what the hell you are doing all the way in Oz and not have (or seem not to have) any inclination to moving to the South Greek Cyprus?
You know, your propaganda for a "united Cyprus" is so strong and pro GC, they might even make you the TC Vice President. Well, you'll never know unless you try, will ya?
Why don't you try and let us know what the GC's think about having you or any other TC as Vice President?
Or maybe it's because you read the UN report about the way the TC's are treated in the South and are scared shitless?
Bir, unless you move to the South Greek Cyprus side and actually live there no one will ever take what you say serious while you are some 8000 miles away.
BTW, are TC's allowed to run for "governmental" positions in the Greek South Cyprus?
PS: Who ever made the claim that Zan and VP belong to the majority in the TRNC is 100% correct, they are...or should I say, we are.