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Is this Forum proof that we cannot get along.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby LENA » Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:11 pm

shahmaran wrote:Whatever Lena, get over it lady, i couldn't meet you because it was just bad luck, i have no problem with meeting you, I'm sorry if i couldn't just drop everything and make my way to the city specially for you, Jesus, how the hell does that make me racist!

Look Shah…that was the second time that I came to meet you and you said that you went in the city so don’t fucking telling me again all this excuses…and up there I was telling you about the first time that you didn’t even believe me that I was coming to London…anyway…that belong to the past and I told you that I don’t want to discuss things that happen out of the forum in the forum but you mention things several times…we already discuss those several times and we didn’t came to any conclusion…it is just that we have different way of thinking…I never said that you are racist…you said that to me…I said that you are passionate and nationalist….that is not a racist…should I give you the definition or not??? I thought you was the English teacher not me!

shahmaran wrote:You have just admitted it yourself that you did not want to cross but then you changed your mind about it, so that will hopefully save me from having to re-scan through your rubbish in order to prove a measly point that you would probably misunderstand as usual, plus its really funny that you still talk about nationalism and hypocrisy while talking about my country as the illegal blablabla but we are you compatriots?

I hate to play with words but sometime it is necessary…well I said that I don’t want to cross the borders but I never said that I will “never cross the borders” since I already done that before our conversation…but as you know I am young and I still learn…and lately I had few lessons through my experience which are the best lessons…and as I told you yes I change my mind…is it that bad? You were trying for so long to convince me but you were trying with the wrong way as you see…some other people made me change my mind with a better way and now I am glad that I did that…does that tell you something? And I thought you knew how to talk to a lady…my posts are not rubbish, its my opinion and you have to respect that…but if it is your opinion fine by me!

You talk about your country…where exactly is your country? Do you know my country? Is your country different than my country? Can you give me direction there?
You said that I talk about hypocrisy…well I didn’t you did…and yes I was talking about nationalism…and you said that I consider you as my compatriots…so you don’t? Is your country legal to the whole world? Am I part of your country? Do you have any law, any government paper that was adapted for me?
Yes you are my compatriot…at least for me … you are…you might not think the same way but it is your opinion and I am not going to change it and I am not willing anyway!

shahmaran wrote:well thanks but no thanks, we don't need your pity, you are welcome to stay in the south for ever, doesn't bother me really, refrain from crowding the gates in the future if its such a big deal for you!!!

I never felt pity for you or any other TC…and believe me I don’t really care any more if you want me to join you in the north or join me in the south or any…I am really feel shame that you feel that way about me…I never had any bad feeling for you and you knew that…but unfortunately you create a feeling to me which is that I should better stay away!

shahmaran wrote:I literally feel stressed when trying to answer you (and believe me, i do purely out of courtesy) because its pretty much like talking to a bloody wall that thinks it has wings of an angel, you are incredibly patronising with youre attitude and i have told you this many times over and over, its really frustrating...

First of all I would like to thank you one more time for your compliments … I never thought my self as a bloody wall with wings…I will think about that from now on…and actually the last paragraph of yours is a big lie…you used to tell me that you are relaxed…and you never felt upset or frustrated…and that you was pissed of every time that I told you to relax and calm down because you was relaxed…now you are telling me the opposite …I can see that you didn’t loose that charming characteristic of your….the dance with words…

Have a nice evening my dear!
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Postby LENA » Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:12 pm

Eric dayi wrote:Lena
As for being a nationalist, thanks for the compliment, I really mean that. Calling me a nationalist is the best compliment you could have made because I am a proud nationalist.

I take it that you are not a nationalist and don't love your country as much as I love mine. So if you are not a nationalist then you can only be a traitor to your country.

So what are you, a nationalist or a traitor?

As I said above and in another thread, I am a proud nationalist so keep on complimenting me. :wink:

I agree that a nationalist is someone that loves his/her country…but a nationalist is beyond that …is someone that is so focused on their own people who have the same language, same religion, same believes…someone who prefer to work independently rather than collectively, he do not care about anyone else apart from his own people…I don’t think that I should mention how many human beings was killed in the altar of nation…EOKA and TMT was some of them!

I do love my country, I adore my country that’s why I am here posting…if I didn’t and I said that I don’t care …I just want to live my own life…I was going to do that and not arguing about my country…even if the effect will not be for my benefit…but I do want my country to breath…I want the trees and all the plans to grow up with water and not blood, I want all my compatriots live with me, and not avoid and hate me, I don’t want my children to fear any more to live in their own country…does all that made me traitor or nationalist….I don’t want to be killed anyone or people that belong here to be kicked out … but I don’t want o hear any more lies and propaganda stuff!

Eric dayi wrote:BTW, what was it you didn't like about my last posting and was there any lies in the points I made?

I am sorry to inform you that your whole post was ridiculous but I already put an emphasis why you made me reply to your post…I told you…people like you… I usually ignore their post…but with that one you were probably out of control and made lots of us get out of control as well…and come against your post! And that post was something beyond lies...

Eric dayi wrote:Let me ask you:

Did your ilk wanted ENOSIS or not?

Before answering your questions can you tell me what exactly do you mean by ilk? What is my ilk? What is your ilk? How you separate my kind, my category? What are the characteristics of my ilk?

Eric dayi wrote:Did your ilk kill Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots in the name of ENOSIS?

Yes GC wanted ENOSIS…not all of them but yes, and yes they did kill TC and GC for that!

Eric dayi wrote:Did your ilk masscre hundreds of Turkish Cypriots including old men, women and children as yound as 16 days old?

Yes it is true…Selden was just 16 days old!

Eric dayi wrote: Did your ilk tied the hands of Turkish Cypriot with barbed wire and buried them alive and bulldozed over the graves to hide the bodies in the hope that the dead would not be found?

Yes is that true as well…and if you remember in the documentary they mention even an attempt to burn those bodies! I am well informed…don’t worry!

Eric dayi wrote: And did all the above happen BEFORE 1974?

Well I don’t know the exact date…but yes it was before the invasion of 1974 but it was around that period…

Eric dayi wrote:Why kill a 16 day old baby?

Why kill children at all?

Don’t ask me why I don’t have an answer to all that… I feel your pain and your anger to all that…

Eric dayi wrote: Now go on and tell me your murdering countrymen did not intend to genocide us Turkish Cypriots and have ENOSIS with Greece, I dare you!

Well no…not every GC wanted you dead…that was a decision of few idiots, few “things” I can not call them humans…I don’t know anyone who can do all that and still be called human being

Eric dayi wrote:Also while you are at it tell us why you Greek Cypriots do not want unification if it means sharing power with us Turkish Cypriots.

Don’t ask me…ask the TC around here…I am in favour of the unification…I don’t want partition…I want unification!

Eric dayi wrote:Go girl, prove to me that you have more than two lonesome all on their tod brain cells.

I don’t have to prove anything and I am not here to prove anything to anybody!

But now its my turn…

Do you know how many GC and TC TMT has killed?
Can you explain me why they killed an unburned child?
Can you explain me why they raped a 14 years old girl and may be younger than that?
Can you give me an answer why they killed parents in front of their children’s eyes?
Can you tell me where those missing people are?
Can you tell me why thousand of people was forced to live in a tent and eat can food like cats and even worst?
Can you explain me why the TC wanted the Turks even if they knew that they will suffer from them?
Can you explain me why TC love the Turkish army until now even if they treat you shit?
Can you?

Well Eric Dayi…the war was created by idiots, animals was used to murder thousand of people…both sides….so many people had suffer from that…I don’t deny that both side had suffer, both side had pass through grief, both side made their rest of their lives an unstop sorrow….

But be honest with your self…both side had made lots of mistakes, and both sides had a blame…you will join them? You will be the next animal? Do you want to see us dead? Do you want to keep on the fight? Do you want another war?

What exactly is that you want?

free_cyprus wrote:Eric dayi
im sorry to say but you are definatly not a nationalist........ you accuse the greek speaking cypriots of all the crimes they have comited there is truth in this can you kindly tell us how many people TMT MEMBERS KILLED IN CYPRUS ...................not only that would you at least agree with me that eoka and tmt are traitors to cyprus and not to mention the sooo called members and founders of tmt and eoka are actualy in power today in cyprus and they employ people in goverment post who actualy actively enforce hate and propaganda on both sides towards deviding cypriot people.................... if we are going to speak in this forum let us be clear and speak to waht is just and unjust and what has happened in cyprus and lets not take sides............... we all know eoka and tmt were aganets of turkey and greece and our cypriots actively participated in murdering our own cypriots illigal even under proxy war between greece and turkey that was controled from ankara and athens ...............................................................Eric dayi perhaps you will come back to me with some excuse that all i have said is not true i am eagerly waiting to hear your answer to my post.............. please make sure you post something that speaks for cyprus people not turks or greeks thank you

Oh my … it is the first time that I agree with you…good job free_cyprus! I was amazed by your post…I couldn’t believe that it was yours…
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Postby askimwos » Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:58 pm

Lena, I agree with almost everything you wrote but really did you have to waste that much time replying to an idiot?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Apr 03, 2007 10:58 pm

Get Real! wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:karma
your a lady i never knew that i always assumed you were a bloke sorry for the mistake lol

Well so am I but that doesn't stop you from being mean to me!!! :(

Are you really a woman???
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Postby free_cyprus » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:03 pm

if you reall my post in here you will not find one post where you see me take sides when it comes to cyprus this im very proud of and this goes for everyone in this forum
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:09 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:karma
your a lady i never knew that i always assumed you were a bloke sorry for the mistake lol

Well so am I but that doesn't stop you from being mean to me!!! :(

Are you really a woman???

I thought you already knew... :)
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:14 pm

askimwos wrote:Lena, I agree with almost everything you wrote but really did you have to waste that much time replying to an idiot?

My friend in case you don't know, Lena is a young school teacher now specialising on retarded school kids who flunk the same class for almost 50 years. Eric is one of them. :wink:

:lol: :lol:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:19 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:karma
your a lady i never knew that i always assumed you were a bloke sorry for the mistake lol

Well so am I but that doesn't stop you from being mean to me!!! :(

Are you really a woman???

I thought you already knew... :)

You must be joking! You are too aggressive for a woman. :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:26 pm

Chill out FC, askimwos was refering to that Eric Kavli :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:30 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
free_cyprus wrote:karma
your a lady i never knew that i always assumed you were a bloke sorry for the mistake lol

Well so am I but that doesn't stop you from being mean to me!!! :(

Are you really a woman???

I thought you already knew... :)

You must be joking! You are too aggressive for a woman. :shock: :shock: :shock:

I take that as an insult! How dare you? [slap]
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