@ Natty
Thank you Natty!!!
Your welcome Lena mou...you spoke a lot of sense...

Pyrpolizer wrote:Eric dayi wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Eric Dayi wrote: I am a Turk Bir, from Cyprus and that makes me a Turkish Cypriot whether you like it or not and no matter what you say will change that.
If you are a Turk, then why your DNA is totally different than that of the Turks??? Have you ever heard of those DNA studies that proved the DNA of GCs is the same as that of the TCs, HOWEVER totally different than that of the Turks and Greeks?![]()
Stop making a fool of yourself, my DNA has not been tested by anyone so how you can come up with such a stupidty is beyond anyones comprehension.
Scientific studies are not done by testing each and everyones DNA idiot. They are done by testing the DNA of few thousands.
In case you doubt the results are valid for your bash-turkish self, all you have to do is just make your own DNA analysis and then ask the doctor to compare it with those you call "Turks" and those who are either GCs or TCs.
Careful, you might suffer a nervous brakedown after you see the results.![]()
LENA wrote:Natty wrote:@ Natty
Thank you Natty!!!
Your welcome Lena mou...you spoke a lot of sense...
You enjoy what I say that much Natty??![]()
Thank you one more time!!!
Pyrpolizer wrote:Eric Dayi,
Here's another historical FACT for you. When the British came here the mouslim Cypriots suddenly dropped from 25% to 18%. And similarly the percentage of Christian Cypriots rose by the same 7% percentage. This means that during the whole Ottoman era people were constantly switching back and forth relegions as it suit them. We had this switching for 300+ years this means at least 15 generations. Do you now understand that the Cypriots cannot claim they are Greeks or Turks, but rather a bastardised nation a mixture of Greeks Turks Arabs etc?
NB. Because you are such a fanatic I suspect your ancestors might originate from a Greek family. As for example the most fanatic Turks in Turkey are those of Trabzon/Trapezounta.
Careful man don't take that DNA test. It might Kill you.![]()
humanist wrote:VP so long as we bash our heads against brick walls so will you................. at least some of us are intelligent enought ot have learnt from the past 33 years. What have you learnt? Some of us do not hold racism and bitterness and want a better Cyprus for all.
Turks killed my 17 year old uncle and yet I view each individual turkish speaking cypriot as an equal and as a human being. Because this situation is crazy. My father chose to immigrate so my brother and I did not have to face the army yet we want a unified peaceful cyprus.
What are you willing to give? or that's right nothing you just like to TAKE what is not rightfully yours and sell your own people to the Turks. Who is believing in populist speeches now?
free_cyprus wrote:eric dayi
i like to point out another thing to you even though scotland england and wales are joined together as one unit of land the walsh and the scotish people will never ever except the fact they are english becouse they speak english they are proud of being scotish and welsh but us cypriots we have our own island and the turks and greeks have repeadedly reaped murdered our brothers and sisters on the island of cyprus in the past history in the recent history they recruted agents to work for them calle eoka and tmt and they comited crimes against cyprus people and your telling me we should be proud to be greeks and turks
humanist wrote:VP thank you, for your acknowledgement, (though he was killed) , well I choose to use our loss for the benefit of all cypriots.
Firstly, I am no politician nor do I have the desire to be one.
Secondly I agree that some turkish speaking cypriots expereinced discrimination and racism in the 60's. That was wrong.
Thirdly, things have not been good for either community since 74 so instead of concentrating and keep on blaming each other perhaps we could start working together to make it better for both infact for all communities in cyprus,
Perhaps lets agree for example that we want bizonal/ bicommunal federated cyprus and do everything we can to achive that. "an old saying goes "where there is a will there is way". furthermore, if we want partition then lets work towards that. the last 32 years tell us that this is going to be difficult toachive, so the other option if that is what we want lets start on solving it,
Lastly I hope that we come to an agreement of what we want and use the UN to come up with policies and regulations that ensure the safety of turkish/ armenian/maronite/ jewish/ greek speaking peoples as well as giving them equal status and representation. that is all. we now people have suffered we cannot cange that, but we can make it better for people from now onwards
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