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Is this Forum proof that we cannot get along.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby free_cyprus » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:04 pm

i think we are amixture of every country and power that has ruled us after all we are the only place in the world who holds the record for being invadeed devided and rules to suit their own purpose............... theres no place like cyprus in the world lol
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Postby LENA » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:24 pm

zan wrote:Is this Forum proof that we cannot get along and we should all push for partition. Even if it were true that the old TCs and GCs got on it is plain to see from what is going on with the younger generation that there is more hate now than there has ever been. The GCs seem to hate the TCs more than ever and will not give them an inch which in turn is making the TCs hate them right back and so on. What is the point of carrying on this facade.

Why this forum is a proof? I thought that this forum is a proof of the opposite! We both prayed when Andri told us about her daughter problem, we laugh together, we talk together, we even arrange to meet each other…why is this forum the proof that we cannot get along?? Since I joined I read about stories between GC and TC living together before the war and after, stories that help each other or friendships that still exist! Why those things have proved to you Zan that we cannot get along? You and VP decided to meet only TC … well you and VP might don’t get along with the rest of us not all the TC or the GC!!!

Piratis wrote:You are aware that you killed as many GCs during that period, don't you? Or in your history books you write fairy tales instead of the truth?

So no, I am talking about what you did to us, and what they did to Turks in Crete. 100s of thousands, not just some 100s.

@ Piratis
Do you know also about TCs that die during that period? Have you ever think in both ways? Does your history books are full of fairy/scary tales or is just the Turkish books? Greek and Cypriots are not so innocent you know! In a war we have victims from both sides!

shahmaran wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:This thread only goes to show we cannot agree shit... only Piratis metioned something of value which was that he acknowledged zan and myself do represent the majority of TCs who reside in the TRNC and Bir Kikapu are in fact the minority who live abroad and therefore do not have any real impact. He is 100% correct.

So really you need to persuade me and zan that a united Cyprus is better for us than the current situation.

If after crossing to the South you still haven't seen what's better for you and your community then you are incurable.

Hey i crossed to the south a bunch of times, and saw what was best for me and my community and that was definately NOT the south! :lol:

I am sorry VP but that was an insult to all TC that live abroad! With any solution …unified or partition or any other…they will be includes as well! And probably they will come back! So they will be included to our thoughts every time we mention TCs. Only if you don’t consider them as your compatriots as well, you can talk about your self then and not as representative of the TC. I personally rely on them…they are not fanatics, nationalists. I wish they were younger to be able to live until then! Unfortunately I don’t believe that the solution is very close!

You said that you cross the borders. Why you cross the borders since you don’t want to live among us? You come for fun, find a job, shopping…meet any GC…what??? And I have another question. What is best for you? To be surrounded by the Turkish army? Is it best for you to be isolated in the north as you said in a threat?

And one more thing…don’t use other people as an example if you don’t really know them! Especially if you are going to use them to define the balance….hahaha

free_cyprus wrote:cypriots will never get along as long as they keep the identity of being turkish and greek cypriots on the island of cyprus

Free_cyprus…please how do you want to call our self to please you???

For me Lemesos_CY said the truth…I wish he could be heart from others! Lemesos_Cy that was a lovely post!!!

Lemesos_CY wrote:whats happening here is really pathetic.
Each side trying to victimize its self more than the other, just to convince (yourselves mostly-not others) that the other side did u bad etc.

Why cant we all accept that we made mistakes in the past and finally move on? Yes, EOKA did not fight only the brittish but also the T/C and G/C and it was a nationalistic movement based on hatred and fanatism. The same exactly is for TMT and the turkish propaganda, setting bombs against the T/C just to make them believe that it was the G/C and that they couldnt live together.

Why can't you all put behind these things and just accept the fact that both EOKA and TMT were criminals and they are responsible (together with England) for the situation today in cyprus? Is it such a terrible thing to do; to admit that some of your people made mistakes?

Both sides still have a lot of work to do before we came to a just solution. Ethnicism still grows on both sides... so many years after what happened.

Zan … let me tell you what I see here! I see Greek speaking Cypriots trying to get along with Turkish speaking Cypriots and the are pushed away…so you better change your title and put your name up there and may be Shah, VP, Paul will join you because you can not get along with us with those kind of views!

I wish TC like Kikapu, Birkibrisli, T_C…could come and live in Cyprus! They can live with us but unfortunately they are abroad!
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:39 pm

Eric dayi wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Eric Dayi wrote: PS: Who ever made the claim that Zan and VP belong to the majority in the TRNC is 100% correct, they are...or should I say, we are.

They are both partitionists. What makes you think the majority of TCs are like that? The 300 pieces a day Vatan newspaper sells?

:razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:

With comments like this it is very very obvious that you are either way out of touch with reality or a liar. To me it's clear that you are both.

BTW, I am a partitionist too or did I not make that clear enough for you in my lasy posting?. :wink:

Those were not a comments, idiot twice so far. Those were questions based on FACTS. Answer the questions because you seem you are living in your own special detouchment from reality.

Have I ever said you are not a partitionist? Have i ever gave you the impression I don't know what kind of shining ass you are?
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Postby free_cyprus » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:57 pm

lena you call yourself greek or turkish i dont really care cos thats what you believe you are and thats all that matters im not here to please you or anyone else
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Postby LENA » Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:14 pm

free_cyprus wrote:lena you call yourself greek or turkish i dont really care cos thats what you believe you are and thats all that matters im not here to please you or anyone else

Free_cyprus...I call my self Cypriot...Greek speaking Cypriot! But my point is not that... you judge and challenge all of the members how we call ourselves...i dint ask to please me...I ask to please you :wink:
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Postby free_cyprus » Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:19 pm

lena good for you i wish some others think along the lines your thinking
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Postby LENA » Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:27 pm

free_cyprus wrote:lena good for you i wish some others think along the lines your thinking

Why we have to play with words? Is the title that really matter? I dont think so! What if i told you greek Cypriot? That doesnt make me more greek than Cypriot ... dont be bothered with words my friend...the substance is in our heart not in words and titles!!! And in heart I am Cypriot ... Greek and Turkish speaking Cypriot! Is what we all are!!! We are humans and humanity doesnt really have a language!
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Postby humanist » Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:40 pm

Lena your in depth post above is an inspiration and right down correct. I suspect some Turkish speaking cypriots have done rather well for themselves out of the war and division of the Island hence their staunch separatist and exclussionistic points of view. And other pride themselves on creating a country on stolen land.

Thanks Lena
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Postby Natty » Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:42 pm

Speaking of DNA tests, I think they can be silly sometimes. I have seen some people use DNA tests to prove that they are from a 'pure' and therefore superior race. I wasn't surprised to find that we Greek and Turkish Cypriots have similar DNA, of course we have we are from Cyprus. As far as I know groups of DNA are not divided into Greek DNA, or Spanish DNA or Italian DNA, but vague groups about what area generally you come from, so obviously Greek and Turkish Cypriots come from the area of Cyprus because we are Cypriots, probably just like Macedonian Greeks differ slightly in DNA than Athenian Greeks. It would be strange if it was found that Cyprus consists of Greeks from a certain area of Greece, and Turks from a certain area on Turkey. Maybe that would be the case in the Ancient days, but not today....And anyway, don't we all originate from Africa?

I'm not too sure where I'm going with this...maybe just to say that DNA tests done to prove 'ethnicity' can be silly because in today’s world no one is pure...(well maybe just the Natives living in certain Amazonian tribes..:P)
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Postby RichardB » Sat Mar 31, 2007 11:43 pm


I would just like to say that the last couple of postings you have made make more sense than just about all the postings I have read on this forum.

If there were more Cypriots like you then I really think the problems could be solved

God bless Lena and thank you for this litte bit of sanity in this forum
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