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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 29, 2007 9:08 pm

I'm even more convinced that the writing is on the wall for Iran. Just as Sadam ignored the warnings and faced the music and subsequently the hangman's rope , so sooner or later will the Iranian megalomaniac theocratic leader. The USA , Brittain , not forgetting Israel , have I believe reached the inevitable state where only the ultimate might be seen as appropriate. The innocents will once again become the victims .
Can it be averted , I wonder.
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Postby Simon » Thu Mar 29, 2007 9:15 pm

Miltiades, I don't think this thread belongs in the 'Cyprus Problem' section does it? It really has very little, as least directly, to do with Cyprus at all.

On this topic however, I was very surprised that the British rules of engagement did not allow for them to defend themselves in such circumstances. That seems quite bizzare to me. Iran has only done this because it knows that when it feels like it, it can hand them back, with no real repercussions. This in fact is what happened previously.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Mar 29, 2007 9:48 pm

On the contrary Simon , any episode likely to inflame an already volatile area so close to Cyprus , is more than likely to have repercussions for all neighbouring counties , more so in view of the stated " intention " by Israel to use limited power nuclear weapons to destroy Iran's nuclear infrastructure. Further more any insurrection involving either Britain or the USA will indirectly involve the use of British and " American " bases in Cyprus.
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Postby Simon » Thu Mar 29, 2007 9:54 pm

Cyprus is not a neighbor of Iran, and it is not even all that close. The one (minor) impact a conflict may have is with regard to the increased use of the bases. But that is hardly a real issue for Cyprus. (They do not even belong to Cyprus anyway).

Of course any conflict indirectly affects most nations, (oil prices etc) but this is the 'Cyprus Problem' section, and this in reality has nothing to do with the 'Cyprus problem'.
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Postby shahmaran » Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:17 pm

Hopefully the British and US forces will run into a proper brick wall on this Iran case and we can all sadly watch these imperialist arseholes humiliate themselves while murdering even more innocent people, so the world can one more time see the real face of the so called "civilised world" for what it really is!

I just hope they wont be stupid enough to start any shit there as well, because all they seem to be good at so far is murder and destruction!
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Postby Simon » Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:03 pm

In this instance, Iran has acted disgracefully. Hopefully, the British can gather intelligence on where these hostages are, and send in the SAS; as it seems so far that diplomacy has failed.
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Postby Baggieboy » Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:12 pm

Simon, if they were in Iraqi waters, then fair enough. If they were in Iran waters, then I disagree with you - and in which case they are not hostages, but prisoners. I know what I believe, but I'll leave it at that.

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Postby Simon » Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:31 pm

It is clear by the evidence that they were in Iraqi waters. The British say so, the Americans say so, the Iraqis say so and the EU says so. Even the UN has demanded their release. Even the IRANIANS PUT THE BRITISH PERSONNEL ORIGINALLY IN IRAQI WATERS, THEY CHANGED THEIR MINDS ONCE THE BRITISH HAD POINTED THIS OUT TO THEM. That says it all. :lol:

Even if they were in Iranian waters (which it is clear from the evidence, if you bother to check it, that they wasn't) their capture is STILL ILLEGAL. Why do I say this? Because they are there under a UN mandate, and in that instance, it would be illegal under international law to hold them as prisoners. What would have been legal is if Iran would have demanded that they left immediately. DETAINING THEM WAS STILL ILLEGAL EVEN IF THEY WERE IN IRANIAN WATERS.

Baggieboy, I don't know whether you are British or not, but please do not be so anti-British about everything they are involved in, just because you may not agree with Iraq or other foreign policy decisions. I know it is extremely popular for people to hate Britain and the US at the moment, and you may just be another clone in this respect, but please try to stay at least slightly impartial. What about the way they have paraded them on television? This is a barbaric action from a barbaric state that denies the holocaust and wants Israel 'wiped off the face of the earth.' So please do not try to defend them.
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Postby Baggieboy » Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:42 pm

Simon - I am as English as they come. Born here, schooled here, work here, pay my taxes here. I just don't happen to agree with everything my country does or says. Which is my diplomatic right. For the time being at least. You have your views -I have mine. But I find the words "clone" somewhat patronising and insulting - I am as entitled to my opinions as you are. Also one man's "parading" is another's "proving they are unharmed". Of-course if they hadn't "paraded" them it would be "show us they're OK". Still, sells plenty of newspapers doesn't it. Rupert Murdoch's loving it
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Postby Baggieboy » Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:43 pm

an by the way - I'm sitting here watching (& supporting) us play Ireland at cricket so don't quesion my patriotism ;). And we've just lost a wicket.
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