"I was informed that on 7 June 1958 a bomb had been planted in the Turkish press office in Nicosia by persons who, as was later established, had nothing to do with the Greek Cypriots. The Turks of Nicosia were then incited to be overwhelmed by holy indignation and perpetrated acts similar to those committed on 6 and 7 September 1955 in Istanbul."
Former Turkish diplomat, Emin Dirvana, in Turkish newspaper Milliyet, 15 June 1964
"The explosion sparked off a night of riots in Nicosia. Turkish Cypriots burned and looted Greek shops and homes. Soon came counter-attacks and the fighting spread around the island. A friend of mine, whose name must still be kept secret, was to confess to me that he had put this little bomb in the doorway in order to create an atmosphere of tension so that people would know that the Turkish Cypriots mattered.
Former Turkish diplomat, Emin Dirvana in 'Cyprus, Britain’s Grim Legacy' in ITV documentary 'End of Empire', 22 July 1984