I regularly read that the TC's say the constitution was changed so they left the government, however having just read this article :
which appear to try and resolve governing issues i mean it was titled :
"Suggested Measures For The Removal of Causes of Friction Between the Two Communities"
I read previously that the "TC View" is Makarios changed the constitution but it is "suggested measures" only ?
Also he writes :
"I have today conveyed the attached Memorandum to the Vice- President, Dr. Kutchuk, inviting him to talks with a view to resolving the various difficulties set out in the Memorandum. "
Did these talks take place ? What was the result ? It would appear talks never happened as i read elsewhere :
"It is significant, however, that the Turkish Government rejected them before the Turkish Cypriot Community had commented on such proposals."
What was it that caused an issue for Turkey ?
Can anyone really say there was anything in the 13-points which would have been a negative "thing" for the country as a whole ? If so please note the point and the negative aspect in your reply.