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Fanos Droushiotis in TDN!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby fanourıo » Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:04 pm

I didnt expect you to be any better than you already describe yourself.....
honestly, what do you do for a living? work for Pap? it must be a fine job if you have the time to chase me around all the time....or do you live on unemployment benefit? as a burden to others> that was not my choice...
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:13 pm

Fanourio wrote: Anybody is allowed to come and work and as a matter of fact people are wanted in some jobs so send me your cv....

Tell me what it says here. Look at arrow A and arrow B. Does it say what you claim or does it say exactly the opposite? Why do you lie? You must be working there with some kind of special permit. Why don’t you tell us then?

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Postby sylvia » Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:20 pm

I am concerned, what can we do, who can we petition to .....
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:47 pm

Plenty of TCs in this forum>Nobody interested to translate what is says with RED LETTERS?

I know what it says, because I already asked. But I would like a Turkish speaking person to verify it otherwise Fanos will deny it.
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Postby pantheman » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:49 pm

fanourıo wrote:1. If Turkey is breaking International Law

fanourıo wrote:why nobody enforces this International Law for the past 33 years?

fanourıo wrote: is the International Community or the UN or even the US so weak to put up with Turkey?

fanourıo wrote:Why doesn't anybody tell Turkey to withdraw its forces?


my god, for a journalist you show such ignorance and naivety.

I am trying really hard to respect the request to avoid the abuse, but come on koumbare, you are talking utter boll#cks. Surely even you must see that.

Just read again what you have written and then come back and tell us you actually believe what you are saying.

If this is the education level in the educational establishments in the illegally occupied areas, what possible chance do even we the "corrupted Tpap supporting stupid GC" have in any intelligent discussion with you guys, Meaning real TC and a converted GC come Turkish person such as yourself?

Hope this was clean enough for you??

Have a nice day, live long and prosper !
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Mar 28, 2007 10:14 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Plenty of TCs in this forum>Nobody interested to translate what is says with RED LETTERS?

I know what it says, because I already asked. But I would like a Turkish speaking person to verify it otherwise Fanos will deny it.


I did not know, you wanted to be translated.

It states:

Entry point.....Ledra Palace.!

Permit for 3 months as a visitor.!

Not allowed to work anywhere.!
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Postby pitsilos » Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:00 am

fanourıo wrote:you are not seriously interested so why the headache? If you are seriously interested ten send me your cv.

your private dick abilities never cease to amaze me :lol:

ain't you even gonna ask me what kind of translating i do?
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Postby fanourıo » Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:51 am

The stamps one gets in ROC airports and ports say exactly the same.... as a matter of fact this indication is in EVERY stamp in the world. Even between European countries you still need a working permit in order to work. Whats your point Pyrpo? do you think they employed me on a special agreement? Did they employ me at the University as a ...special agent? Or Cyprus Times is controlled by Talat? Or do you think I am making millions at BRT? You hae it all wrong Pappy boy. The ΚΥΠ for which you work has got it all wrong....
Pitsille you dont even dare to come in touch with me and I dont think you have the guts to come to the have the impression that the Turkish Cypriots are going to eat you or something. Believe me they are just simple people just like the GC. a bit more human and warm hearted, unlike some of you...Call me their agent or a traitor, but do remember: Would it not be more convenient for me to work in the SOUTH if I was a traitor and pass military secrets to the North for example? Just like some people do, maybe amongst you? LOOK around you for traitors not here.... I work in the North, so what? does anybody else hace the guts to do that? I prove every hour that I can live with the TCs, you detest them. Lena, a 22 year old GIRL has visited me in the North, she went to all the places I work and she has observed a few things. She also met with Tony Angastiniotis who is my colleague at the EMU. LENA HAD THE GUTS! You toyboys dont! AND I CHALLEGE YOU IN A GENTLEMAN'S MANNER: COME FOR COFFEE... and what do you reply: all the BS in my other post about a members meeting which ended up locked by admin because an idiot started insulting me and I fell in his trap for answering. Now he teases about a translators job....but he does not send a CV. because he does not have one..... nevertheless, more and more people seem to adopt my views, others disagree, but this is life. and Pyrpo, where did you get the visa, maybe from your last visit to a casino? I am saying this to indicate that most GC just visit the North for cheap shopping and Casinos, not to meet TC people, let alone work with them....
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Postby T_C » Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:03 am

Id like to meet Tony Angastiniotis too, I've read a lot of his articles and stories about Cyprus on the net.
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:06 am

Wow Lena came to the North?!?!

I cant believe i missed it, she did say she never would many times, some people :roll: :lol:

Well good for her, i'm glad!

Pyr, at least you are allowed North, i am not allowed south until i get a RoC passport, go figure :roll:

Oh and guess what, my best friend just got refused RoC citizenship after being about for 1 year, because his father who died when he was 5 is from Turkey, but the kid has never left the island in his entire life, has no other nationality and lives with his TC mother in Lefke in a tiny refugee house, this is the nationality understanding of those
down south, so technically he is one of the people that should be deported if we ever came to an agreement?!!

Great work Papadafuckingshithead and all his supporters, keep it up!

Soon you will have no one left to live with but mainland Turks...
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