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Fanos Droushiotis in TDN!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kifeas » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:06 pm

And by the way, snce you spoke about the UN Charter in your "article" in the TDN, do you know what the Charter says? Did you read aricle 103?
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Postby fanourıo » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:10 pm

So thats why Tassos started advertising about the Cyprus Oil.....yeeesssss now i get it!!!! so US and UK is the enemy as well??? mmmm I didnt know that... But isnt the Cypriot Economy dependant on BRITISH TOURISM? 87% of the tourism of Cyprus was from UK last year alone...? so it will not pay to accuse the British now would it?
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Postby fanourıo » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:16 pm

and i said that even the advert above the posts was paid by british property buyers money.... but the post magically we hate the british but we want their money...
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Postby fanourıo » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:18 pm

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Postby miltiades » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:43 pm

fanourıo wrote:EU UN USA UK all agree that Turkey is here illegally...Fine! Why dont they tell Turkey to go?

With all due respect Fanourios , neither the USA or Britain , both of whose interests are best served by Turkey , would be diplomatically correct in reprimanding a powerful and an invaluable strategic partner.
The interests of both the USA and Britain are best served by being friendly with Turkey than not. Political alliances , with the exception of those entered into by our naive Cypriot politicians , are best served with those nations that can be of benefit to our interests , this has been the predominant deciding factor throughout ages from the Roman Empire to the British Empire , one notable exception , Greece and little old Cyprus both of which have traditionally aligned themselves , irrespective of any tangible benefits , with nations whose importance in the world from a scale of one to ten is minus 100.
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Postby fanourıo » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:59 pm

but do you agree with me that we hate the angloamericans but we love their money?
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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:53 am


Taking a dislike to the political decisions of a country does not mean you dislike all their citizens. Have you even been to the UK? A lot of British people know that their government has made decisions in the past and present which arent very honourable to say the least. The same can also be said of late of many Americans too now.

...and I tell you why you dont get any trouble from the Turkish regime in the north, because they know how valuable, in terms of a propanda, that a sympathetic Greek Cypriot can be to their cause. Even one who nobody in their right mind should take seriously such as yourself.

So, did you get a nice tan in Paphos in the end?
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Postby miltiades » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:25 am

fanourıo wrote:but do you agree with me that we hate the angloamericans but we love their money?

It is an integral part of the Cypriot and Greek educational / brainwashing
curriculum to blame all of our tragedies to none other than the "Americanico daxtylo "coupled with the "Agloamericani " We are one of the few nations left in the world today that entertain seriously the Communist ideals having seen the collapse of such grotesque system in the country of origin. Our leaders unfortunately are diplomatically inept and unable to appreciate the style of political game played by the Powerful nations , a style that has as it's ultimate goal the preservation and promotion of their interests. Such style is not new , all past superpowers embraced this style. Her we have one nation , Greece , that not only takes the communists very seriously , but also encourages the display of Anti Americanism by supporting every tom dick and harry who has a grievance against the USA.
The Greeks have nothing to teach the Cypriot politicians and the quicker they detach themselves from a bankrupt ideology the better it will be for Cyprus. I have met but a handful of Cyprus who are pro American.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:46 am

fanourıo wrote:Gentlemen, I totally agree with Askimows.... People might disagree with me to death but like it was said in history, i will defend to my last drop of blood their right to express their opinion... As long as it does not become personal. For this I aplogise for all the swearing yet once more, it seems i can not help it when I am personally attacked. You understand, and this is towards you, that I might be wrong in your opinion to recognise the TRNC, but it is my right to have an opinion. Neverthless, I work in the TRNC, I live with the Turkish Cypriots, most of which do not like the army, and I am more than welcome here. I just do my job. I believe that the Greek Cypriot Nationalists are wrong. its my opinion. I will not kill anyone. However, is it not strange that I am accused for what I do when that was my choice? Why do people keep calling me a traitor? If you think its money, you are wrong! My salary is not more than any other presenter of News at Bayrak, not a penny more than other University Teacher at the EMU and for sure I am not making a fortune at Cyprus Times or Turkish Daily News... but I was offered 4 part time jobs n the North. Not because I could not work in the South because they would not give me a job but because I would not LIE FOR THE BOSS. So I have decided to work where I am where I can teach with no propaganda included in my lessons, i teach Television production, News Language and Sports Journalism, (see for summary of my courses) I write freely at the Cyprus Times and The Turkish Daily News, and I present NOT WRITE but just present the Greek News at BRT. Now if you think this is traitorship hang me! You have to take Ariana and other Greek writers with me to the same execution chamber.... Who else wants to come to the North? and be FREE?

Fano nobody is accusing you for WORKING. What we are accusing you is for your articles, which with the exeption of this one is total crap.It is as if you sold your soul to devil.

So you work in the occupied. Under what status? The visa they give says you are not allowed to work. So did they issue you a work permit? (In your own country) How many more GCs are "allowed" to work there, and has it ever passed through your mind that they are actually using you?

In the above article you say "We the TCs". Since nobody edited your article how can you say "we"?

Where do you live, do you rent? Or did they give you a house belonging to a GC. Or you pay rent to someone who grabbed a GC property?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:48 am

Hang on...hang on ...hang on...

Does this mean Fanos Drushiatis or whatever his name is is a real person????

I thought he was the comic alter ego (a la Borat) of some TC person...

Please don't tell me he is real, and I have to read his posts from now on,all 5000 words at a time... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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