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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:07 pm

fanourıo wrote:I QUOTED FROM CYPRUS MAIL!!!! GET THIS INTO YOUR THICK HEAD PIRATIS! and i agree with the man. now where do my wife and kids come into this i dont know but this is expected from a SMALL IDIOT LIKE YOU!

Well stop bloody quoting all the time what we can read for ourselves.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:11 pm

I suggested some time ago for a forum rule so that anyone posting political allegations against a govt or leader be backed with evidence. I'm happy to participate with this rule in place why aren't you???
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Postby Sotos » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:18 pm

karma wrote:
Sotos wrote:It was about time for somebody to speak out against this idiot Fanourios! :evil: I think he should go back to the mental institution he escaped from!

and it is time for Tasos to reply him, not u or piratis or pyro..coz he is not attacking none of u personally..

so you expect Papadopoulos to sign up and reply to fanourios? :lol: I think we should put a disclaimer in Fanourios signuture like this: "Disclaimer: This person escaped from a metal institution. He thinks he is a university professor, a journalist and the reincarnation of Ataturk. Read his bullshit at your own risk" :lol:
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Postby zan » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:18 pm

This is a place that we can make assumptions about these things as well GR because not everything is documented. Our own thoughts and suspicions are relative. To search and then plaster all over the board another posters details in such an aggressive and shit head manner is wrong wrong wrong.
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Postby fanourıo » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:24 pm

They can not bear the truth! all they ended up doing is calling me an idiot, a traitor etc etc as if I care.... let them express themselves my friend.... it is the best way to detonate their fart brain! Even if i say that Pamela Andrson has big tits they will still call me an idiot or they will probably ascertain that I am mentally ill and that I masturbate all day!
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Postby askimwos » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:24 pm

I think that Piratis overdone it this time. I wouldn't mind any personal attack based on arguments of cource. However, bringing one's personal life in the forum is unacceptable.

However, I cannot but condemn what fanos has posted in the past regarding Tpap even though I am not a fan of him. I think that those were serious allegetions and need to be proven, otherwise the author of them is discredited and proven an untrustworthy source. So fanos if you want to be taken seriously and if you want other forum members to treat you with respect and not as another paid propaganda organ of the "trnc" I call you to give evidence about those allegations. As a citizen of the RoC I froze to the idea that the president of the RoC committed what your articles have stated. If there is even a hint of truth in those allegations be sure that the majority of the citizens of the RoC will shout out foul and demand tpap's removeal from office. If those are allegations cannot be proven the it says a lot about the character and the motives of the person that wrote them.
Last edited by askimwos on Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby fanourıo » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:25 pm

and they dont see who they voted for!
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Postby karma » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:25 pm

Get Real! wrote:Bollocks to both Karma and Zan.

I suggested some time ago for a forum rule so that anyone posting political allegations against a govt or leader be backed with evidence. I'm happy to participate with this rule in place why aren't you???

evidence?? who are we?? if we had evidences whtever we say about politicians, now we all wld be millionairs, CNN, BBC wld be after us..
r u serious??
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Postby askimwos » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:33 pm

karma wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Bollocks to both Karma and Zan.

I suggested some time ago for a forum rule so that anyone posting political allegations against a govt or leader be backed with evidence. I'm happy to participate with this rule in place why aren't you???

evidence?? who are we?? if we had evidences whtever we say about politicians, now we all wld be millionairs, CNN, BBC wld be after us..
r u serious??

Karma you may be right about what you say for ordinary forum members. However, fanos is not an ordinary forum member. He is a well known journalist and the allegations about tpap were put in the public domain trough his articles which I am sure were published in TC newspapers. If you think that those allegations do not directly affect the TC public opinion and therefore the cause for reconciliation then what?
Believe me I would have asked the same if those allegations were made against Talat. Afterall to negotiate it needs 2 sides. If the negotiator of the one side is discredited with such allegations then who would you negotiate with?
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Postby karma » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:38 pm

askimwos wrote:
karma wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Bollocks to both Karma and Zan.

I suggested some time ago for a forum rule so that anyone posting political allegations against a govt or leader be backed with evidence. I'm happy to participate with this rule in place why aren't you???

evidence?? who are we?? if we had evidences whtever we say about politicians, now we all wld be millionairs, CNN, BBC wld be after us..
r u serious??

Karma you may be right about what you say for ordinary forum members. However, fanos is not an ordinary forum member. He is a well known journalist and the allegations about tpap were put in the public domain trough his articles which I am sure were published in TC newspapers. If you think that those allegations do not directly affect the TC public opinion and therefore the cause for reconciliation then what?
Believe me I would have asked the same if those allegations were made against Talat. Afterall to negotiate it needs 2 sides. If the negotiator of the one side is discredited with such allegations then who would you negotiate with?

Can any1 please reply me, why Mr. Papadopoulos does NOT reply Fano, why doesnt take him to the courts???
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