Firstly you are totally confused.
The tears in eyes were not a tool to get him elected.He was elected many months earlier. True everybody was elected to work towards a solution, true he had to first clear out the mess the previous ones have made. What would you expect 3 years after the catastrophy the Anan Plan brought us just because we trusted the UN?
As for the incomprehensible jargon that you keep on referring to, perhaps you should re-evaluate your comprehensive abilities. Do you understand that the occupied according to the decision of the European Justice department cannot be treated as a 3rd country with which the EU can have direct trade relations? Do you understand that Cyprus aceeded to the EU with its WHOLE geographical territory whereas the EU aquis is suspended to the occupied in connection to the obligations and penalties the RoC would otherwise face for that area?
In case you do not understand these simple issues, I wonder on what right do you so audaciously judge. You remind me of a granny who understands nothing, and at the same time curses everybody.