Viewpoint wrote:Piratis wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Piratis wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Piratis wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Piratis wrote:Nicole22 wrote:I am still none the wiser...........I just wanna go home and as I have nothing, but a handful of worthless title deeds in the political agenda, I feel my negotiating powers are very limited ........that I have suffered a great injustice at the hands of America, Britain and Turkey bears NO RELEVANCE TO THE PRESENT.......... I just wish I could go home and build on my father's land. Why do we, GCs not accept we've been screwed and try to get the best deal we can for ourselves, because very soon, it will be too late and my children's children will neither care nor know about Cyprus.
Because the "best deal" they offered was to screw us again. Maybe a few GCs would have some material benefit from it by recovering part of what was stolen from them but thats were the somewhat positive things end. Unfortunately there is no fair solution with any prospect on offer today.
No solution will be good enough for Piratis, he will continue to find fault in anything put before him where there is even 000000000.1% in favor of the TCs. Your only option Piratis is as you have stated many time to wait for that swing to try your luck at getting what you want but never forget thet swing could take things the other way and then where will you be? screwed yet again due to your own stupidity.
We might be screwed and pushed lower from where we could be due to your aggression and illegalities but we are still way ahead of you. Thats just a fact. I will not try to explain this as some might say I am racist again. So yes, we can wait.
The Annan plan was 99% your demands, so don't tell me about 000000000.1%.
Piratis good luck to you I hope with the oil you become even richer if that makes you happy. People are different to me the safety of my family is priority, health, contentment, and then things money can buy. Obviously your priorities are different.
I said even if any plan containing 000000000.1% in favor of the TCs you would still reject it, thats why the only option left for you is to wait for that swing.
No if it is 0.00000001% I wouldn't reject it. But have you ever thought that the most fair is one that is for either the favor of both or the favor of non (on the expense of another)? Or that thought never passed from your mind?
As for your family being safe etc, keep teaching your kids your evil GC theories. Tell them to tell those stories when they come asking for work also.
I doubt you accept any plan short of putting us 6ft under and my children can make up their own minds they dont need me to tell them anything you are doing a great job at alienating them.
So a plan were all Cypriots get the 100% of their rights, is equivalent with "6ft under" for you? What will happen? You will die from your sadness that you didn't manage to exploit your victorious invasion and gain on our loss?
Would that be the 100% right to become just another minority? as long as we have the Turkish army we have no fear of dieing thank you for caring.
So the 100% of your rights according to RoC constitution is not enough for you now right? So how much you want? 200%? 300%? What? Oh, I remember, you want 450% so that each TCs will worth as much as 4.5 GCs, right? And I thought the "one Turk equals the whole world" was just an old story.