Kikapu wrote:zan wrote:Getting back to our fears and very real fears of which any one can happen. Lets just take the rugby scenario happening when we are united. A majority decision. An EU democratic law that allows them to do that. Well, for me, just not standing up is not enough. This would outrage me so much that I would be willing to take up arms and fight this fascist move. With all my rights stripped from me I am now a Terrorist in my own country. I can be persecuted and the so-called legitimate government could call me what ever it wanted. Don't dismiss these as fantasies that will never happen because if that is the case then why are they doing it now. Why not show the way in how to be a real Cypriot.
I'm really sorry to hear, that you have so much fear embedded in you. Perhaps it is from your childhood experiences, whether those are the same fears you have today, I don't know.
This is why I believe, a Federal System with 2 States 1 Country solution, is the best way to go. The vast majority of the TC's and GC's will be living in their respective States, with freedom to move and live , any place one wants, with full protection of the Federal Government and Laws, to all citizens and immigrants. State laws will also exist, with their own State Constitution, which may have their own state flag, song, flower and even state anthem, if they wished to, but Federal Laws will overrule state laws, if it goes against the Federal Constitution, that tries to violate individual rights and protections.
There are many ways to form a solution and a lasting peace. It is the "will" that I question. As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, " The only thing we have to FEAR, is the FEAR itself". We need the "will", to get over our fears.
Lets also take the Rugy match example one step further, you are standing there with a united flag and anthem (taking for granted that we argued and finally agreed) then the players run onto the field the coach is GCs and all the the players are GCs....would you stand up there come on united Cyprus knowing that there are better TCs player available... what would you do and how would you feel? You protest but the tell you its the coaches decision, what will you do Kikapu as TCs?