zan wrote:Kikapu
I specifically said that we could not take the RoC's word on this issue and that still stands. All your posts after that to VP ask that and that only. We know what might or might not happen but whereas I cannot draw up a contract with a meteor, I can with the equally deadly RoC. What you need to start doing is think of this as a contract. Like any other contract provisos have to be added. The basic law as it stands is not sufficient to cover the special circumstances so additional contracts are drawn. Why are you so eager to go into a business deal with your arse hanging out of your trousers. I still don't get your mindset. Why do you ignore my plea for a 70/30 split that Makarios was ready sign and offer YOURSELF less than what was already on the table. I don't care what the population of TCs are at the moment or was in 1960. We were stunted in our growth and the figure today does not represent a true percentage. Lets draw up the contract that is perfect for both sides. The GCs are lucky we are not divorcing them because on that basis we are entitled to a far greater share.
As soon as you decide, what is it you want for yourself and our people, then we can make some headway, in trying to sort out all the details, because it is not possible to work out the details, when you don't know, what the hell it is that you want. Is it PARTITION, 1960 CONSTITUTION as a PEPUBLIC, or a FEDERAL system with 2 STATES 1 COUNTRY. As soon as you decide which one you want, then we can discuss the details, but I get the feeling, you want a piece of all THREE that suits us the best, and leave the rest behind. Not a bad days work, if you can get it Zan.
Just for the record Zan, the 70%-30% that you like to throw around, was design for issuing Government Jobs and not the proportion of land split, since as Cypriots, we owned 100% of Cyprus, or was it ever stated in the 1960 Constitution, that's what we were entitled, if we wanted a PARTITION, or a FEDERAL system at later date. Perhaps you can enlighten us, because I'm not aware of such proposals.
So Zan, decide what you want, then lets talk. For the sake of my sanity, can you just pick ONLY one of the 3 choices I gave you above.....Thanks.