Yet another game from Tassos!
By Fanos Droushiotis
Taking a complete turn of 180 degrees, Greek Cypriot Leader Tassos Papadopoulos called on President Mehmet Ali Talat to immediately meet!
He also called the President to jointly start implementing the July 8 Agreement on the basis of the recommendations included in UN Under Secretary General for political affairs Ibrahim Gambari`s letter, based on the common understanding which has already been achieved at the level of their two representatives.
In a written statement, Tassos Papadopoulos takes a surprising complete turn and proposes a meeting between President Talat and himself one week after the commencement of the work of the Technical Committees and working groups!
Papadopoullos statement holds as follows:
``In the past few days positive developments have taken place during the course of discussions being held between the representatives of the leaders of the two communities which aim at implementing the July 8 Agreement on the basis of the recommendations made in the letter of Mr. Gambari of 15 November 2006. Problems that arised during the course of the discussions have been successfully addressed. In particular, a common understanding has been achieved on the issue of which Technical Committees and working groups will be set up. The precise content of the discussions of each working group has also been defined. As has been agreed, the Technical Committees will discuss issues ``which affect the daily lives of the people``. A common understanding has also been achieved as to the way how and the time when the Technical Committees and working groups will be set up.
The recommendations included in the letter of Mr. Gambari constitute a sound basis for initiating the process and implementing the July 8 2006 Agreement. The Agreement gives a complete negotiating framework, which provides for discussions on all issues, at all necessary levels, including that of the leaders of the two communities.
As was clearly defined by the set of principles of the July 8 Agreement, the aim is to achieve a solution on the basis of a bizonal, bicommunal federation, respecting the political equality as this has been defined by the relevant resolutions of the Security Council.
I call on the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community, Mr Mehmet Ali Talat, to immediately and jointly start implementing the July 8 Agreement on the basis of the recommendations included in Mr Gambari`s letter, based on the common understanding which has already been achieved at the level of our two representatives.
I have repeatedly stated that it served no practical purpose to have meetings between the leaders unless they have a specific object matter to discuss and unless such meetings serve the agreed aims of the negotiation. Consistent with this position, I further propose to the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community to meet a week after the first Working Groups and Technical Committees are set up and start their work, according to Mr Gambari`s recommendations.
I sincerely believe that the commencement of the 8th July process can soon yield results.``
This surprising change was reacted for by President Talat as expected, since the serious issue can not be fiddled with in such a manner. President Talat rejected to the Greek Cypriot Leader's proposal since it can clearly be considered as "fishy" tosay the least. And this derrives from the fact that just about a week ago, Tassos Papadopoullos was accusing his own opposition for trying to convince him to see President Talat.
What changed within a week to lead Tassos Papadopoullos to pursue such a meeting with President Talat? The answer simply lies in the plan of Papadopoullos re-election panel that the Greek Cypriot voters for the upcoming elections must be convinced that Tassos Papadopoullos WANTS to see Mehmet Ali Talat while Talat "the bad boy" is the negative one!