by skipper » Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:54 pm
Not going to reply to points 1 & 2 because I dont have time, but regarding
on point 3, there really needs a distinction on what a "settler" is, if you mean people who migrated immediately after '74 then their number are something like 40,000 and the children where both parents are from turkey around 20,000. The vast majority of what is politically called a settler by the GC are workers and students, these people are here temporarily and do not have an automatic right to permenent residency even under the TRNC. Infact even if there was a solution tommorow we'd still need these people, even the most ardent mainland turk hating TC would admit that the north would grind to a standstill if these people disappared in the same way that the south would collapse if the tourists and foreign workers were not present.
again with regards to point 3 and land given to settlers, most of the land given was farming land. Any settler that had been given prime real estate would have sold up and left cyprus long ago, to live "like a king" in whatever obscure village they came from. How many GC's would want to come back to the north to persue a life in farming I dont know, but I'd wager its not a large proportion.
finally, the reason Talat wont stop construction on GC land is that he (and most TCs) believe that if he does the GC's would have no incentive to negotiate as other than the refugee issue this is where there is real pressure being exerted by GC's population to do something. meanwhile the economy of the north would go into immediate recession and there would be no guarrentee that a solution would be negotiated in a quick time frame based on past experiences, so as a poltician Talat would be mad to such a risk.