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Talat calls off crucial meeting

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:37 pm

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:And there you have it again the true face of what is really going on.... :twisted: :twisted:

Get use to me Zan, I don't get fooled as easily as some of my compatriots so I have no illusions... and luckily neither does our current government.

And your official status is.....................
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:38 pm

askimwos wrote:It has been all over the RoC media today. Unfortunately you will have to wait until tomorrow when the Cyprus Mail will be publishing this in English. Not surprised you have not heard anything in the "trnc". Buy a copy of Africa tomorow...they seem to be the only ones that are willing to publish all the news even if these are "bad news"...

So you have no source other GC press?
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:39 pm

humanist wrote:I think turkish speaking cypriots ought to have a referendum to decided whether they are going for unification or partition and stop wasting people's time and effort, Then call upon the RoC for talks or no talks. In the meantime another year will pass and who is affected the most?????? Turkish speaking Cypriots, Congratulations Mr Talat. You wil sure going down in history as the man who kept his people oppressed.

The reality is Turkish Speaking Cypriot leadership is going for partition and are waiting for direct trade to give themn just that. However it will never happen so lets just keep on marching on RoC and forget the rest.

The type and content of unification vs the details of Partiton are important to hold a referendum, just like you we dont want just any plan other we to will be resounding in our vote.

Who has been the one not willing to talk for 3 years? Mickey Mouse?
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:42 pm

zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:And there you have it again the true face of what is really going on.... :twisted: :twisted:

Get use to me Zan, I don't get fooled as easily as some of my compatriots so I have no illusions... and luckily neither does our current government.

And your official status is.....................

Cyprus will acquire ALL her territory in 5, 10, or even 20 year’s time if need be and it will happen WITH or WITHOUT a community called the "Turkish Cypriots" …make no mistake about that.
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Postby zan » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:And there you have it again the true face of what is really going on.... :twisted: :twisted:

Get use to me Zan, I don't get fooled as easily as some of my compatriots so I have no illusions... and luckily neither does our current government.

And your official status is.....................

Cyprus will acquire ALL her territory in 5, 10, or even 20 year’s time if need be and it will happen WITH or WITHOUT a community called the "Turkish Cypriots" …make no mistake about that.

OK now get back in your cuckoo clock. :roll:
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:47 pm

Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:And there you have it again the true face of what is really going on.... :twisted: :twisted:

Get use to me Zan, I don't get fooled as easily as some of my compatriots so I have no illusions... and luckily neither does our current government.

And your official status is.....................

Cyprus will acquire ALL her territory in 5, 10, or even 20 year’s time if need be and it will happen WITH or WITHOUT a community called the "Turkish Cypriots" …make no mistake about that.

Do your worst if we are not around your biggest nightmare the Turks will be waiting, dont expect an easy ride.
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Postby humanist » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:48 pm

Zan, my tune has not changed at all, What I want to see is what I wanted to see back in september or whatever it was that I joint, I want to see a united Cyprus where all Cypriots live together in harmony and peace. I do not and never wanted a partitioned Cyprus. Thank God I have joint the forum because everyone here ha contributed to my growh development and understanding. You in particular have given me a new perspective on the issue of settlers and you and VP have given me a new perspective on the plight and fears of some Turkish Speaking Cypriots. Birkibrisli and Kikapu have given me another perspective on Cypriotness and particular ly that of Turkish Speaking Cypriotness.

To this end I do no longer believe that all settlers ought to move back, hence in my previous posts I have suggestted that an independent committee ought to be set up to look at settlers on an indivifdual family basis and to this end I have also suggested that upon unification, perhaps some of the current refugee estate accommodation could be used to house settleers/ new cypriots who stay on.

You have provided me with an understanding about fears faced by Turksih Speaking Cypriots to this end I have made suggestions that registers of refugees who do not wish to return be created so that it will give both sides an idea of how much property will be vailable in the north for those Turkish Speaking Cypriots who do not wish to return to their villages in the south. I have suggetsed that the State of Cyprus in what frm it will take ....... to receive land form the Church to house Turkish Speaking Cypriots wishing to stay in the north. I have agreed that some Turksih Speaking Cypriot refugees such as the Tochni people be given "State" land to settle in the north as I can appreciate and undertsand that they do ndot wish to return to Tochni neither would I if nmy family was murederd by my co - villagers.

I have also learnt that not all Turkish Speaking Cypriots want partition and that a great number of them identify as Cypriot first then Turkish Cypriot. I have come to learn that the Turkish Speaking Cypriot culture is being demised at the hands of Turkey and the regime in the north a few months ago I wouldn't know that but now I do and I think it is ashame and literature an peoples stories have pointed that out.

Furthermore I critised Papadopoulos in his pathetic and childish way of not wanting to meet Talat ...... meeting Talat is not giving recognition to the "trnc". 32 years later of not meeting with the leadership in the north has not benefited anyone least of all Turkish Speaking Cyriots, still isoltaed still no land to call their own and slowly but surely loosing their identity and yet day by day becoming a minority in their own homeland.

I have also said in many posts that Cyprus belogs to all Cypriots and by that I recogniose and accept that Turkish Cypiots have just as mushc right to ownership of the whole Island and not just a third, that is viewing them as equals ina all aspects of life. I have posted that the RoC ought to be more proactive in recognition od Turkish Speaking Cypriots, teaching turksih at schools in all forms/ grades/ years. Road signage ought to be in all three languages. I have posted in realtion to support for turkish speaking business people to gain tax excepmtiona and other benefits to assist themn to grow to European standard with the aim of the wqhole Isand being inducted intio the EU, I have posted for harsher penalties to be faced by those discriminating agaist Turksih SpeakinG Cypriots moving to the south reclaiming their villages and property thuius making refugee property vacant and vaialble to rightful owners. I have posted for financial assiustance to those Turkish Speaking Cypriots moving to the soputh in terms or rebuilding ther homes, schools and mosques, I have posted in favour of Turkish Speaking Cypriots living in the RoC to beneift from the oil moneys and to be shared equally.

I have also poiosted against Mr Tallat's stupidity, threats of war and stupid moves as to not meeting Papadopoulos, even if it was somthing that he has been for asking since he became a leader.

I have also posted about his stupid decisions around ledra street, similarly I have blasted Papadoupolus on the same issue when he was being a child.

Zan EOKA was nothing different to the trnc wanting union with turkey so the playing fieald is the same just as you fear union with greece we fear trnc union with turkey. He wants what he believe s is right for his people as Talata believes that he needs to negotiate the best deal for his people. However this has been happenning for the last 32 years and no people is better off. We need to change our tact so that we can have a final lasting solution. If it has not become apparent to all of us that push for partition is not going to happen soon because of the Greek Speaking side refusing and if we have not realised that things will go back to the way that they were prior to the invasion thbecause of the turkish speaking side refusing then we are never going to move beyong that. We keep going to the past adn look where we are 32 years later not better off no worse off still there, if that is the life you want for your people then keep doing what we have all been doing since 1974. I certaily want something different for all Cyprots that is why I am arguing that we need to look at things differently .

There was a time where there was discussion about demilitarizaton of the whole Island guess who did not agree to that, not the greek speaking leadership. That would have paved the way for real sunbstantive talks.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:55 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:And there you have it again the true face of what is really going on.... :twisted: :twisted:

Get use to me Zan, I don't get fooled as easily as some of my compatriots so I have no illusions... and luckily neither does our current government.

And your official status is.....................

Cyprus will acquire ALL her territory in 5, 10, or even 20 year’s time if need be and it will happen WITH or WITHOUT a community called the "Turkish Cypriots" …make no mistake about that.

Do your worst if we are not around your biggest nightmare the Turks will be waiting, dont expect an easy ride.

When the time comes Turkey won't have a choice VP but first it'll be your community that will have lost any chance of assimilating by its own hand.
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Postby askimwos » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:59 pm

I will say it again.

Get Real...get real!

How old are you anyway?
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:02 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:And there you have it again the true face of what is really going on.... :twisted: :twisted:

Get use to me Zan, I don't get fooled as easily as some of my compatriots so I have no illusions... and luckily neither does our current government.

And your official status is.....................

Cyprus will acquire ALL her territory in 5, 10, or even 20 year’s time if need be and it will happen WITH or WITHOUT a community called the "Turkish Cypriots" …make no mistake about that.

Do your worst if we are not around your biggest nightmare the Turks will be waiting, dont expect an easy ride.

When the time comes Turkey won't have a choice VP but first it'll be your community that will have lost any chance of assimilating by its own hand.

Given the choice between assimilation into Turkish or GC which do you think the majoirty of Turkish Cypriots will pick?
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