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queue jumping

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queue jumping

Postby pammie467153 » Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:25 pm

I went to pay my cyta bill today and there was a huge queue. I waited patiently and was nearing the front when this great big sweaty, greasy looking bloke, ploughed through trying to get to the front. As I watched I became cross and barred his way. He asked me to move out of the way saying that he needed to be first because he, HAD DIVERS IN THE WATER. (He he he he, hahahaha). I said to him 'Divers? In the water???'. He replied, 'Yes, Thats what I said, Divers in the water, I have to get back very quickly'. My hubby said 'thank goodness we dont go diving with you then!'. All day I have been amazed. Either he is a total lunatic and took some poor unsuspecting divers out to sea, and told them dont worry I will be here waiting. And if anything terrible happens I will be here with the boat to get you to safety. Waited for them to dive and then buggered off with the boat to pay his bliddy phone bill. Or he is sat in a coffee shop laughing his head off. :eyecrazy: I hope its the latter.
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Postby devil » Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:45 pm

The funniest one I came across, a few years ago. I had broken my leg and was on crutches but had a walking plaster. My driving licence was due to expire before the plaster came off, but I couldn't drive. My daughter, visiting, offered to take me to the licence office and we arrived at opening time. There was, of course, a queue in front of me and I joined it. I worked up to second place when a guy tried to barge in. I said politely, "Excuse me, there is a queue, take your turn like everyone else". He replied, "Sorry, but please let me in, I have a sore foot and can't stand for long" (he hadn't limped up to the queue). I then said, "Well, what do you think this is?" and nudged him, hardish, with my plaster cast. He looked down and saw it. I'm sure, if a Cypriot could blush, he would have done so! He crept away with his tail between his legs. The guy behind me laughed and said that the guy was one of these agents who do formalities for a price and he was always trying to push in front of queues at all the offices where he did things.
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Postby pammie467153 » Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:50 pm

They just dont do queing do they? I have been using this diver thing all day. Everywhere I have been today I have been saying, 'let me in please, I have divers in the water', then falling about the place laughing. He made my day.
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Postby Cyprus Vending » Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:26 pm


My wife (Jo) RIP's their head off!

She's there with Louis who's 2 & Hannah who's 3 mth's old...

They soon get out of her way ---


Why do the Cypriots do it???

Do they think we are unable to tell them 'what we think'... ie F_O...
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Postby G.Man » Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:00 pm

because they think they can get away with it..

How often do you see them queue jump at traffic lights... go down the right turn only lane then push in at the front...

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Postby sweetie pie » Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:26 pm

G.Man wrote:because they think they can get away with it..

How often do you see them queue jump at traffic lights... go down the right turn only lane then push in at the front...

selfish pr*&%s

Don't get me started on the driving. I am scared to death in Limassol. If only the drivers understood as much about where their mirrors and indicators were as they do about where their horns are it would be much better. (yes I know, I know)

Any major town in the UK is much busier but at least when you are driving round such as Sheffield everybody generally sticks to the rules. There don't appear to be any rules over here. A red traffic light means STOP- if you want to :D
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Postby pammie467153 » Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:59 am

I am going to have a tannoy system put on my car and then when I am driving I'm gonna shout, OUT THE WAAAY, I HAVE DIVERS IN THE WATER....' HEHEHEHE. C.V. Your wife has the right idea. Maybe I can get me a pram and smash it into everyones legs, like they do with supermarket trolleys. Hey. What if I put together a package of a car tannoy system with a recorded message, that says .....'Divers in the water', and a pram with the same, maybe chuck in a few blades for the pram wheels (Ben Hur style), I could make a few bob. Anyone interested? Have you all seen the new 'yellow box junction ahead' signs. Can you imagine even in your wildest dreams what they think they need to do with a box junction. Answers on a post card please.
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Postby webbo » Fri Mar 23, 2007 9:04 am

To avoid the queues get internet banking. You can pay nearly all your utility bills online. It certainly reduced my stress levels and confrontations with the "big sweaty,greasy guy" and god forbid letting my wife loose on him. Takes me about 30 secs per bill and I save my aggression for the rugby pitch.
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Postby greek.god » Fri Mar 23, 2007 9:26 am

The next time anybody pushes their way past me on line, I will do the following: "Pull out my 44 Magnum, point it at their head and say, GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY!!!" I can dream can't I?
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Postby zoopigi man » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:39 pm

sweetie pie wrote:
G.Man wrote:because they think they can get away with it..

Don't get me started on the driving. :D

I think everyone agrees that the driving out here is not great. But, I have to say, that having just spent a few months back in dear old Blighty that the driving doesn't seem much better in the UK anymore. There seemed to be just as much tail gaiting, stupid overtaking, reckless speeding in urban areas, and general inattention as over here. Came as a bit of a shock actually. And the only reason drivers jump the lights less is due to cameras being on most main junctions. And I've found it pretty much the same in France, Italy, Germany, and so on. Driving sucks everywhere.

And as for queuing - I haven't found it as bad as people make out. Mostly (but of course not all the time) people seem reasonable.

Maybe a case of more whinging Brits (gets ready to duck)?
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