by devil » Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:45 pm
The funniest one I came across, a few years ago. I had broken my leg and was on crutches but had a walking plaster. My driving licence was due to expire before the plaster came off, but I couldn't drive. My daughter, visiting, offered to take me to the licence office and we arrived at opening time. There was, of course, a queue in front of me and I joined it. I worked up to second place when a guy tried to barge in. I said politely, "Excuse me, there is a queue, take your turn like everyone else". He replied, "Sorry, but please let me in, I have a sore foot and can't stand for long" (he hadn't limped up to the queue). I then said, "Well, what do you think this is?" and nudged him, hardish, with my plaster cast. He looked down and saw it. I'm sure, if a Cypriot could blush, he would have done so! He crept away with his tail between his legs. The guy behind me laughed and said that the guy was one of these agents who do formalities for a price and he was always trying to push in front of queues at all the offices where he did things.