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Postby ukman » Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:02 pm

last week i was in timi tavern .and someone came in asked if i lived in villas at the top i said yes ,he said these are for you ,2 letters from bank :lol: :lol: :lol: and then asked me to give some other mail to the house next door :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i love it
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Postby sweetie pie » Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:36 pm

ukman wrote:last week i was in timi tavern .and someone came in asked if i lived in villas at the top i said yes ,he said these are for you ,2 letters from bank :lol: :lol: :lol: and then asked me to give some other mail to the house next door :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i love it

omg do it yourself post. Now I have heard everything!! :lol:
sweetie pie
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Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:30 pm
Location: Limassol CY

Postby pammie467153 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:21 am

To address the original thread and the not very nice comments by zoo pig. All I have to add is 'well said all of you' certainly could not have said better myself, not without being nasty like ZP anyway! Really isnt any need for that ZP. Those of us who live here, have much more experience of driving and road conditions on the Island, and are perfectly entitled to voice/share our concerns, experiences and even giggle about things that collectively amuse us. And dare I say it - moan about them. The driving habits of the majority of people here really IS the concern of those of us who live here - no matter what our country of origin. We are entitled to use the roads and to BE SAFE!!! Instead of attacking us, why dont you put your energy into something that would be more productive and report the incident you say that you saw. Did you take the number of the car? If not, why not. You at least know that the police will take your complaint seriously in your country. You have a duty to that child to do something. Now then, the post. When we used to live in limassol, the post man put both our new credit cards AND the pin numbers under next doors windscreen wipers. We instructed the bank to keep all our post in the branch for collection after that. We had a notice that a parcel had arrived for us. The date on the parcel was for more than a year after it had been posted. It was xmas presents sent from UK. Our parcels now get sent to the local ciggy shop. If you suspect you may have a parcel, you simply go into the shop and bob into the back and have a rummage. If you find one then you help yourself. Simple.
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