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queue jumping

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Postby ukman » Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:19 pm

zoo man are you talking about cyprus
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Postby zoopigi man » Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:33 pm

ukman wrote:zoo man are you talking about cyprus

I am indeed. Maybe I've been lucky. :)
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Postby ukman » Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:39 pm

it all depends where you live in cyprus .paphos .cyta elec etc and the driveing are all crazy .but you just got to laugh ..lets hope it never changes .its just great how it is .we start conforming it will end up like uk .god forbid take care
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Postby T_C » Fri Mar 23, 2007 4:35 pm

They do it because they would rather push in then wait. They even developed tricks where they pretend to be talking with someone on the phone so they don't have to look anyone in the eye. Or they'll be with someone and they'll be like "quick we really need to hurry up, the foods going to burn" and they expect everyone to sympathise! :roll:

I gave up long time ago because all the times I've said something, they've actually ended up making me feel guilty for trying to stop them. They always say something like "my daughter is in the car, I can't leave her for too long, sorry I didn't mean to offend you" and I'm always like "oh ok go on then" :evil: :evil:
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Postby ukman » Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:17 pm

UPDATE.i have just dropped my friend home .from timi to polis road easy .down bypass straight ahead .lovely .thought come home through town .SCARED ME TO DEATH .you got to see it to beleave it .a taxi driver with a kid on his lap and on the phone ,and why do cypriots have only one neck movement.they only look one way and pull out .you got to laugh or you would cry :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby jody » Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:31 pm

Germans are the worlds worst for queue jumping,they dont even bother to queue as they dont know how,used to really wind me up when i lived there but hey you get used to it,used to make me laugh aswell,although very good drivers,but sooooooo fast they do not let you out either,if you let them pass or out of a turning they would look at you as if you were an alien as they were not used to people being polite!!!!!
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Postby Niki » Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:53 pm

jody wrote:Germans are the worlds worst for queue jumping,they dont even bother to queue as they dont know how,used to really wind me up when i lived there but hey you get used to it,used to make me laugh aswell,although very good drivers,but sooooooo fast they do not let you out either,if you let them pass or out of a turning they would look at you as if you were an alien as they were not used to people being polite!!!!!

.....and the world's worst for putting towels on the sunbeds too early!

Anally retentive they call it.
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Postby Markos » Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:10 am

An Asian prostitute got in front of me when I was waiting to pay
for my stuff at the supermarket about 3 months ago. When
she had paid for her stuff, she looked at me and smiled.
I think she wanted "business". :roll:

BTW, these prostitutes won't leave me alone.
Last month, a blonde Eastern European prostitute grabbed
my arse while I was waiting for my bus at the bus stop! :wink:
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Postby sweetie pie » Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:47 am

zoopigi man wrote:
sweetie pie wrote:
G.Man wrote:because they think they can get away with it..

Don't get me started on the driving. :D

I think everyone agrees that the driving out here is not great. But, I have to say, that having just spent a few months back in dear old Blighty that the driving doesn't seem much better in the UK anymore. There seemed to be just as much tail gaiting, stupid overtaking, reckless speeding in urban areas, and general inattention as over here. Came as a bit of a shock actually. And the only reason drivers jump the lights less is due to cameras being on most main junctions. And I've found it pretty much the same in France, Italy, Germany, and so on. Driving sucks everywhere.

And as for queuing - I haven't found it as bad as people make out. Mostly (but of course not all the time) people seem reasonable.

Maybe a case of more whinging Brits (gets ready to duck)?

I am not surprised the accident statistics in Cyprus are so bad with attitudes like the above. Aren't they one of the worst in the EU?
People in the UK DO generally stick to the rules and not only because of the cameras. There will be the odd one who does a U turn where they shouldn't but generally people just don't. Because its stupid!
Yes you do get tailgateing but you don't generally as a matter of course get drivers pulling out in front of you or turning left across another motor, motorbike etc, opening their car doors in traffic, double parking, parking on double yellow lines (Makarios Ave), parking on pavements, speeding up the main coast road just to show off their wide bore exhaust then turning round and doing the same in the other direction, driving motor bikes without crash helmets. The above poster mentioned inattentiveness. That is not the word. There is a general lack of awareness of anything outside of the vehicle they are driving.
My only consolation is that things are slowly starting to change and when the police get their act together and start enforcing the rules the drivers over here might start to tow the line.
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Postby pammie467153 » Sat Mar 24, 2007 6:51 am

GO Sweetie Pie! >applause< You forgot the kids. The Cypriots are so inlove with their children yet they put them deliberately in mortal danger by allowing them to have free run of the inside of the car whilst its moving. How incredibly stupid is that? Hows often have you seen that in UK Zoopigi? Again, its a cant be bothered thing, just like queue jumping. They wouldnt want to upset the little darlings by making them do anything that they didnt want to do. Heaven forbid, here might be a fuss, and that would require the parent to deal with it, to take time out of the race to get from A to B in the fastest most dangerous way possible. They should make their little darlings get into a seat (though that would mean shelling out to buy one in the first place), and explain gently (with duck tape wound tightly around the L/D gob), the benefits of getting into the seat when told to. They may even teach these small beings that they just have to conform to general rules sometimes. i.e. queueing. Not to mention it will save their lives when they are involved in a crash. They way these people drive, its only a matter of time before they are.
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