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Smoking ban in restaurants

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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:15 pm

RRichie wrote:Hi GorillaGal
Last year I went to Atlanta Georgia and they have a no smoking law in bars and restaurants until 10.30 and then all the ashtrays come out, this seems to satisfy everyone. Is it the same in New York? :?

NO, THANK GODDESS! you cannot smoke anywhere in public, at any time, in NY. and it is a better state for it. they even have a law that states how far away you have to be from an office building door in able to smoke, so the people going in and out don't get hit by all that nasty ass smoke!
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Postby RRichie » Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:13 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
RRichie wrote:Hi GorillaGal
Last year I went to Atlanta Georgia and they have a no smoking law in bars and restaurants until 10.30 and then all the ashtrays come out, this seems to satisfy everyone. Is it the same in New York? :?

NO, THANK GODDESS! you cannot smoke anywhere in public, at any time, in NY. and it is a better state for it. they even have a law that states how far away you have to be from an office building door in able to smoke, so the people going in and out don't get hit by all that nasty ass smoke!

But don't you think that a give and take attitude should prevail? I like to have a smoke after a nice meal, I am prepared to go outside so as not to bother anyone but the same people arriving in four wheel drive vehicles, who also by the way are happy to stand at the side of their exhaust pipes showing the vehicle off. pull a face at me smoking a cigarette. I like to be fair but I am sure that one puff of smoke from a diesel engine when it starts up next to me is more carsogenic than my second hand smoke especially when i'm outside.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:52 pm

Smokers have a nasty breath how on earth can intimacy be enjoyable between a smelly smoker and a non smoker I will never know. It is a habit that is predominant amongst the working classes and third world people.
Cyprus is unfortunately one such country , third world mentality that still considers smoking as cool. The only thing cool about smoking is the utter disgusting breath that smokers have.
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Postby RRichie » Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:58 pm

miltiades wrote:Smokers have a nasty breath how on earth can intimacy be enjoyable between a smelly smoker and a non smoker I will never know. It is a habit that is predominant amongst the working classes and third world people.
Cyprus is unfortunately one such country , third world mentality that still considers smoking as cool. The only thing cool about smoking is the utter disgusting breath that smokers have.

Lots of people in my Country smoke rich and poor it is not a class thing, its a choice. People that eat curry have bad smelly breath, people that eat garlic stink, people that chew gum and spit it out are disgusting. Its a choice! :roll:
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Postby carolh » Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:01 pm ... 81&mid=609

I hope the antismoking laws will be enforced!
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Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 17, 2007 10:07 pm

RRichie wrote:
miltiades wrote:Smokers have a nasty breath how on earth can intimacy be enjoyable between a smelly smoker and a non smoker I will never know. It is a habit that is predominant amongst the working classes and third world people.
Cyprus is unfortunately one such country , third world mentality that still considers smoking as cool. The only thing cool about smoking is the utter disgusting breath that smokers have.

Lots of people in my Country smoke rich and poor it is not a class thing, its a choice. People that eat curry have bad smelly breath, people that eat garlic stink, people that chew gum and spit it out are disgusting. Its a choice! :roll:

You are wrong mate , middle class people generally smoke a great deal less than working class . Smokers have nasty smelly breaths , their hair , cloths and their entire persona reeks , it is not a question of choice but an addiction to a drug. Curry eaters are not addicts and neither do they cause immense damage to their health. Smoking is a nasty habit and very much part of life in the third world , mostly the Asian world , Pakistan India Bangladesh and in most of the M.East.
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Postby The Microphone » Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:42 pm

Let people smoke if they want to. It's their life. Period. (No I dont smoke but the state has invaded our personal lives way too much. Everybody needs something.)
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Postby RRichie » Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:56 pm

The Microphone wrote:Let people smoke if they want to. It's their life. Period. (No I dont smoke but the state has invaded our personal lives way too much. Everybody needs something.)

Well said the next target will be fat people, so fat people beware!
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:00 pm

During my smoking days , ( I smoked for 38 years ) I was ferried to hospital by an ambulance on two occasions , paid for by the state , was admitted to hospital suffering from a suspected heart attack which was in fact severe arithmea brought on by smoking.
I decided after the second admittance than only a bloody idiot would carry on this nasty habit. Gave up 8 years ago , my ticker is in excellent condition , I no longer smell and feel years younger . I look back and feel so guilty that my non smoking wife had to put up with the tobacco smoke all those years.
Give it up its a smelly nasty habit , And very much a third world one too.
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Postby Eliko » Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:22 pm

miltiades wrote:Smokers have a nasty breath how on earth can intimacy be enjoyable between a smelly smoker and a non smoker I will never know. It is a habit that is predominant amongst the working classes and third world people.
Cyprus is unfortunately one such country , third world mentality that still considers smoking as cool. The only thing cool about smoking is the utter disgusting breath that smokers have.

Elton John is a non smoker, I don't think the 'intimacy' bit bothers him too much. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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