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Smoking ban in restaurants

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Postby hobx » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:00 pm

First of all.....passive smoking does not cause cancer!
I refer you to the following links:

Secondly, no, we don't have a god given right to smoke....we do however have a right to smoke by law....even if that right is being whittled away by the enviromental wing bit by bit. I believe in market forces regulating the market, and if there was a big market for none smokers in would have resulted many many non smoking pubs....its economics......the goverment is here to serve the people...not tell us what is or isn't good for us....especially a non democratically elected goverment *cough* brussels *cough*

I personally am delighted that I have left the UK where we have just been imposed with a draconian law in which a smoker now has absolutely no safe haven from the elements. I don't mind smoking and none smoking sections...especially when we have the technology to very efficientley ventilate establishments and get rid of the smell (i've been in pubs in hte UK where I couldn't even smell my own ciggarette smoke let alone anyone elses....) I'll admit that Cyprus has not yet developed these facilities as well as other countries...but the fact is that a very large number of the population enjoys to smoke here (something like 40 odd percent...)

As for the poster who complained about a pub landlord not enforcing the smoking and none smoking sections, in my opinion that is his perogative...its his pub! I can't help but wonder why you didn't just go to another pub where they do enforce the rules?

Finally....I don't actually have a problem with none choose not to smoke. Fine. But I choose to smoke. That should be fine too. The people that really get to me are the ex smokers who suddenly think they're better than the rest of us. You chose to give it up. Good for you. Personally I choose to keep doing it...its not the addiction ,its the fact that I enjoy a nice ciggarette...and nobody has the right to take that away from me!

Finally.....I'll leave you with a sixty year old quote that to me gains more and more relevence each passing year....

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
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Postby Hazza » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:04 pm

Its been either 5 years or 6 years now that I gave up smoking. I so want a cigarette right now:s
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Re: Smoking ban in restaurants

Postby webbo » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:06 pm

caroler wrote:Just returned after two week holiday to find my favourite restaurant now has a smoking ban. The owners say it is because of EU laws and that they will be fined Cyp 1,000 if a client smokes in the resto. When did this law come into force in Cyprus?

Hi, Webbo says this is actually quite an old law but only just coming into affect. We are both very happy about this as we stopped smoking nearly 7 years ago. :D :D :D :D :D :D

We did once ask to go into a 'non-smoking' area of a restaurant and were told there was not one, even though there was a sign! :shock: The owner said that he had to display one as it 'was the law' LOL :lol:

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Re: Smoking ban in restaurants

Postby webbo » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:08 pm

caroler wrote:Just returned after two week holiday to find my favourite restaurant now has a smoking ban. The owners say it is because of EU laws and that they will be fined Cyp 1,000 if a client smokes in the resto. When did this law come into force in Cyprus?


Where is this restaurant please? All us non and ex smokers could go and have a great smoke free meal! Yippee!!

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Postby the_snake_and_the_crane » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:10 pm

In hindsight the new smoking ban in the UK is a good thing. I never really used to smoke that much but now im only buying a packet of cigerrettes over the weekend and thats a pack of ten for when I go out. Monday to Friday now i'll smoke about 5.

haha...the bad thing about this ban is now you can smell things you never smelt before in certain places, like body odour, bad breath and farts! I think the chewing gum market is benefiting from this ban. I know lots of people that have become really conscious of the way they smell now when they go out.
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Postby paul1978 » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:16 pm


if passive smoking does not cause cancer, do you know what it can cause?
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Postby webbo » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:17 pm

the_snake_and_the_crane wrote:I

haha...the bad thing about this ban is now you can smell things you never smelt before in certain places, like body odour, bad breath and farts! I think the chewing gum market is benefiting from this ban. I know lots of people that have become really conscious of the way they smell now when they go out.

I heard the same thing on the news the other day and think stale beer was highest on the list! Sorry, still has to beat the obnoxious smoke and disgusting after smell left on your body and clothes. We will just have to mask these new, sorry old, smells with lots of perfume / aftershave. LOL :lol:

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Postby hobx » Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:29 pm

paul1978 wrote:hobx

if passive smoking does not cause cancer, do you know what it can cause?

Not off the top of my head, however a quick google found this:

"Some of the immediate effects of passive smoking include eye irritation, headache, cough, sore throat, dizziness and nausea."

Nothing fatal there....most of which could be avoided through careful selection of where one chooses to entertain themselves....

"Short term exposure to tobacco smoke also has a measurable effect on the heart in non-smokers. Just 30 minutes exposure is enough to reduce coronary blood flow"

Again nothing fatal here....


However....given that this is an anti smoking website....I'm very suspicious of any of this with most of the 'facts' given out by these studies....

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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:02 pm

hobx wrote:First of all.....passive smoking does not cause cancer!
I refer you to the following links:

you too are a consipracy theroist, aren't you?
second hand smoke doesn't cause cancer.
that's a joke, right?
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Postby RRichie » Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:10 pm

Hi GorillaGal
Last year I went to Atlanta Georgia and they have a no smoking law in bars and restaurants until 10.30 and then all the ashtrays come out, this seems to satisfy everyone. Is it the same in New York? :?
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