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Smoking ban in restaurants

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Postby rotate » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:11 am

Sotos wrote:I agree with the ban. But I wonder how big the designated smoking areas can be? If the 90% of customers of a bar are smokers can that bar have 90% smoking area and 10% non-smoking?

Read somewhere? that bars restaurents etc had to have seperate rooms for non smokers/smokers. A one roomed business automatically becoming a non smoking establishment.

Anyone know who to contact, apart from the police when smoking is allowed in an 'all night' one roomed police protected bar as tobacco and maruajuna smoking are obviously exempt from the ban.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:38 pm

miltiades wrote:Smoking should not only be banned in public places but also in offices and workplaces . Citizens going about their daily work in offices or factories must be protected by the Government ,, no one has a right to poison my atmosphere , in fact if it was up to me a packet of cancer sticks would cost 100.00 plus 30 days community work starting with picking up cigarettes buds from public places , sea front areas and elsewhere. I was a smoker for 38 years , gave up 8 years ago . I served 38 years as a prisoner of this nasty profoundly smelly addiction. I enforced my poisonous fumes on to my wife , a non smoker all her life , and onto my two children. It was an absolute disgrace and I have repented , rather late somehow.

better late than never! good job Miltiades! and i agree with the high cost and community services picking up butts!!!! my mother died of emphesema, what i view as a slow suicide, and i myself was a smoker, although i quite about 17 years ago, i had lung surgery almost 3 years ago, and believe me: i would NEVER wish that on anyone!
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Postby turboturk » Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:35 pm

miltiades, I totally agree with you about smoking in offices, can you imagine if that happened, then no work would ever get done, they would all be outside smoking half the day. Already it takes ages to get anything done.
Wait til they ban smoking on the beach,like in california.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:49 pm

turboturk wrote:miltiades, I totally agree with you about smoking in offices, can you imagine if that happened, then no work would ever get done, they would all be outside smoking half the day. Already it takes ages to get anything done.
Wait til they ban smoking on the beach,like in california.

it's probably going to happen soon. they just banned smoking in cars if there is a child in the car. i forget what state--NJ maybe? i think that is a great move!
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:01 pm

DUNCAN wrote:A follow up to my first posting on this subject : My grandson does not drink alcohol but likes to sing in Karaoke. A member of staff in the pub where we drink told him that, as he did not drink anything but coffee or orange juice, he had no right to complain about people smoking in the no smoking area. I think we will be visiting the police quite soon.

I find Karaoke to be a pain in my ear drums when all I want to do is have a drink, smoke, and chat with my friends. It's noise polluting Karaoke that should be banned.
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Postby dancingbear » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:06 pm

Smoking is already banned on certain beaches here in Bournemouth/Poole, heard today Anti smoking Nazi police want to ban/censor films that portray people smoking. As a non smoker there is aenough room for everybody.

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Postby dinos » Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:21 pm

Get Real! wrote:I find Karaoke to be a pain in my ear drums when all I want to do is have a drink, smoke, and chat with my friends. It's noise polluting Karaoke that should be banned.

HA! Well, maybe not karaoke that should be banned, but the shrieking masses that mistakenly think they can sing. At a minimum, each pub should have a hook or something to remove people whose voices could only be used for capital punishment... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby turboturk » Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:52 pm

Dinos, that would be a great idea, at least it would minimise the ear ache. I gather your enot a karaoke singer.
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Postby turboturk » Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:54 pm

Get Real:
You can always step outside to have a fag, you get used to it eventually and you'll find that you smoke less and your clothes dont stink either.

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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:06 am

dinos wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I find Karaoke to be a pain in my ear drums when all I want to do is have a drink, smoke, and chat with my friends. It's noise polluting Karaoke that should be banned.

HA! Well, maybe not karaoke that should be banned, but the shrieking masses that mistakenly think they can sing. At a minimum, each pub should have a hook or something to remove people whose voices could only be used for capital punishment... :lol: :lol: :lol:

maybe you could throw eggs at them?
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