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Smoking ban in restaurants

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Postby Eliko » Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:07 pm

oranos64 wrote:eliko that kosher though ?

What else?, I went into a cafe and made an order, "Two teas and two bacon sandwiches, one no bacon for my Jewish friend" :lol:
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Postby Eliko » Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:05 pm

To get back on track, it was smokey bacon. :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:15 pm

RRichie wrote:Nearly got caught out by the cigarette end police the other day, I popped in to a local bar (in the UK) and popped out again for a quick smoke (it has to be quick cause of the rain) and couldn't find any place to put the butt so nearly used the footpath, luckily I spotted the plainclothes cigarette police in time and saved myself a £50 fine, It would have been a problem to put it out anyway because of all the chewing gum spit out all over the path but hey that's not a problem.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Strangely enough, there ARE people out on the streets who would take great delight in seeing you prosecuted for dropping a cigarette butt, I cannot understand the mentality of such people, I think they are to be pitied actually, their lives are so small you see. :roll:
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Postby webbo » Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:06 am

Eliko wrote:
RRichie wrote:Nearly got caught out by the cigarette end police the other day, I popped in to a local bar (in the UK) and popped out again for a quick smoke (it has to be quick cause of the rain) and couldn't find any place to put the butt so nearly used the footpath, luckily I spotted the plainclothes cigarette police in time and saved myself a £50 fine, It would have been a problem to put it out anyway because of all the chewing gum spit out all over the path but hey that's not a problem.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Strangely enough, there ARE people out on the streets who would take great delight in seeing you prosecuted for dropping a cigarette butt, I cannot understand the mentality of such people, I think they are to be pitied actually, their lives are so small you see. :roll:

Agree that chewing gum all over the pavements is a disgrace. There are even bins now just for the disposal of it yet it it is still everywhere!! Bins for rubbish and cigarette butts too, again not always used. Cannot understand people's mentality and I always feel sorry for the poor council workers who have to clear away all the rubbish. Why should they have to be subjected to such filth.

It is the same here mind you. I have a small garden that gets filled with plastic bags and somehow cigarette butts ( non-smokers!). The bags I can understand are being blown in but the fag ends? Puzzled, especially as I have a small concrete wall and gates that are kept closed unless needed!!
Gum on the streets is worsening here too, but not as much as the dog poop that surrounds my house - this from dogs that get walked by their owners too - no not the yapping mutt next door, poor thing has still not been out!

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