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Heroes and Awards

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Heroes and Awards

Postby insan » Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:53 am

THE MASS production of national heroes received a welcome boost on December 7, which has been declared Democratic Resistance Day by our government. In a special ceremony in the evening the Ethnarch announced that the State would honour and reward all those who fought against the coup to defend democracy in July 1974.
All those whose names were included in the Register of Resistance Fighters, would receive a medal and a state certificate. Cops who fought against the coup would receive a promotion for bravery, which means that even if they had retired they would be receiving a higher pension. It is unclear how many people are included on the Register but it seems bit excessive to reward all cops with promotion and bravery medals because they did the job they were being paid to do.

Was the bravery of every cop who was honoured by the state for bravery documented? Or was it that all cops who supported Makarios and happened to be on duty on July 15 were eligible for a bravery award?

Given the union mentality of AKEL, who came up with the whole idea, I suspect the bravery awards were given indiscriminately to all progressive, democratic cops.

AS IF WE do not have enough heroes to honour, now we will be faced with demands for state handouts from the kids of the heroes as well.

According to an announcement published in Machi on Friday, all the descendants (children and grand-children) of EOKA fighters of the Famagusta district are being invited to a meeting on Wednesday so they can form themselves into an association. The announcement did not mention what the purpose this association would serve, but nobody would be surprise if it demanded state assistance for the grandchildren of the heroes.

Personally, I am hoping that soon we will set up an Association for the descendants of the heroes of the Trojan War as well. Achilles’ friend Patroclos, who fell in Troy, was my great-great-great grandfather and I deserve not only to be honoured by the state, but some cash reward. But as this is far from certain, I invite all the descendants of heroes of the Trojan War to a meeting on Friday, 17 December, in the recently refurbished Pentakomo spiritual centre so we establish ourselves into an association and start to fight for our right for cash assistance.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ... 9&cat_id=7
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Postby brother » Tue Jan 18, 2005 12:20 pm

LOL..... :lol: .......LOL......... :lol:
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