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Would parents send their kids to learn creative I.T. skills?

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Would parents send their kids to learn creative I.T. skills?

Postby Louisa » Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:06 pm

Hi everyone :D

I'm moving to Cyprus later this year and want to start up a workshop which teaches courses in creative technology. This will include Web Design, Movie Making, Video Game Creation, 3D Animation, Music Technology and any other creative computer stuff people want to learn!

It will be mainly for kids but I am also considering running courses for adults too.

My question is - do you think there are people who want their kids to learn this stuff amongst all the other private classes they already have - English, Maths, Standard Computer lessons etc...

Any feedback will be very helpful! Thanks :D
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Postby Crivens » Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:50 pm

Don't have kids myself, but I work in IT (programmer) and would want my kids to excel in IT. And that would include sending them to a workshop. Personally I couldn't believe as a kid how the more "geekiest" of us would know much more than the teacher in normal school. Dedicated courses would have been great.

I've noticed a workshop type place in Limassol (near M&S, and on the way to StarBucks, which is why I know about it :) ) that offers courses in the more officey applications, so I'm sure there would be a market for it.

Just noticed Video Game Creation and 3D animation. Heh, seriously must get back to that stuff myself one day if I get the time. Basically been putting it off since 2001 (IT seriously crashed for years in the travel sector after 911, which is what I do). What applications do you teach for the game creation side?

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Postby Sotos » Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:55 pm

Sounds like a great idea. You could make it so it is more fun instead of the usual private lessons kids take.
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Re: Would parents send their kids to learn creative I.T. ski

Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:57 pm

Louisa wrote:Hi everyone :D
I'm moving to Cyprus later this year and want to start up a workshop which teaches courses in creative technology. This will include Web Design, Movie Making, Video Game Creation, 3D Animation, Music Technology and any other creative computer stuff people want to learn!

It will be mainly for kids but I am also considering running courses for adults too.

My question is - do you think there are people who want their kids to learn this stuff amongst all the other private classes they already have - English, Maths, Standard Computer lessons etc...

Any feedback will be very helpful! Thanks :D

As a long-time IT person I think it's a great business idea but you'd have to first approach and understand the education system and ministry of education standards used here because it may make all the difference.

It'll make a huge difference if your workshops are govt "approved" and even subsidised.

Regards, GR.
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Postby Louisa » Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:08 pm

Yeh thats the plan - this will def not be ur usual kind of course. I have been working at a tech camp in the USA for 3ys (summer) and want to create that kind of environment. is their website and it really is something else. I was always a tech geek growing up and I WISH I'd had the opportunity to go somewhere like this!

My background is in Digital Video / Movie making and Game Creation would be taught by someone who knows their stuff more than me but the program would probably be multimedia fusion :)
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Postby Louisa » Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:12 pm

It'll make a huge difference if your workshops are govt "approved" and even subsidised. - This is very true, I will have to find out, Thanks!
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Postby raiseurfist » Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:18 pm

Sound like fun :)

What ages are you going to start with? Will you take old kids like me? (im 23 :lol: )

And how many hours is the workshop going to be in total?
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Postby Louisa » Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:16 pm

The course will be available to kids aged between 10yrs and 17yrs old. I hope to start adult courses (for kids like u!) later on when the company is better established.

The Course will be 2hrs once a week after school and will run each school term (e.g. Sept until Christmas break). Each term students will complete a project. Students who want to come back for more than one term will proceed to the more advanced curriculums 8)
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Postby coredump » Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:16 pm

Great idea. I'd send my son.
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Postby Louisa » Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:01 pm

coredump wrote:Great idea. I'd send my son.

Great! What would you pay for something like this though? Equipment and Software and software updates are not cheap - and I only want to use the best stuff! Also I want to take on good skilled staff. Right now it is looking at around £15 CYP per child (MAX 7 kids per class) for each 2hr session (About £55 a month). Standard computer lessons (Word, Excel etc...) charge around £30 - £40 per month.

What does everyone think?
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