Get Real! wrote:Mr.vb wrote:twinkle wrote:Head for the sea front promanade. On the Sunday, it's a national holiday and if i'm not mistaken there will be parades etc. Saturday either hit the shops (they close around 2pm) or head for the museum (cyprus paleontology, forest and fauna exhibition - did you know there were skeletons of small hippo type animals found in aradippou, hence the name!) in the old warehouses just as you get on the sea front next to sunhall hotel. there is a local museum near the tennis courts further in town. Or grab a shared taxi (get one near the main police station) and head to nicosia, or limassol. nicosia will have more going on and you will be able to see the fuss being made on ledra st.
Have a good trip and come again
Thanks a lot for this information.
Twinkle is female I'll have you knowso just sleep in all day because you'll need all the energy and money you can save for the Larnaca Cabarets at night.
Thanks Get Real but don't forget I still should wakeup early for workshop training

My company allow me to spend 150$ per day (without Hotel) and I can spend more if it is deserve.