Damsi wrote:miltiades wrote:Damsi wrote:Miltiadies don't blame God. What us humans do is not his/her/its fault

How can I blame something that doesn't exist !
What us humans do are our responsibility , you can not blame a non existent entity but you can blame the indoctrinators who them selves were brainwashed and who them selves carry on mentally raping the youngsters . Who makes a young man , walk into a mosque , and blow him self and the innocent worshippers to smithereens , is it not religion .Of course it its. The blind leading the blind that is how religion has sustained it self through out centuries , like a decease that no cure has yet been discovered .Were was God when 6 million women and children the old and the weak were gassed to death ?? Nowhere , there isn't one !
I would never equate God with religion but just because man-made religions exist, and they are all man-made, doesn't mean God doesn't exist. 'God' is actually the worst word to use to describe what I'm talking about but then again I can't describe what I'm talking about because God is an entirely personal experience, and this is why no one will ever be able to prove his/her/its existence. If someone had never tasted chocolate how could another person ever describe the taste to them?
So while I agree 100 per cent with your take on religion, we will have to agree to disagree about God

Yea I think along the same lines Damsi.
I think of it like this, imagine if we built a really hi-tech computer that could actually funcion and think for itself (we probably already can, but imagine if it was extremely intelligent and almost had a life within that computer). An artificial intelligence if you like, controlling the security of a big building for instance. It does everything on its own accord but has no idea of us (it's creators) existance. It doesn't know we exist, but lets say it has the capability of "imagining" what it's creator is like. Would it ever be able to imagine/guess how we have skin, eyes, mouth, teeth, how we have to floss, brush our teeth, drive cars, have children etc etc...NO!
I think that a similar concept applies to God. God is as different to us as we would be to that computer. It's as hard for us to guess what God is as it would be for that computer to guess what a human is and how a human works.
I'm just using the computer as a metaphor by the way!
I think of God as a totally different form of existance/reality or whatever you want to call it. One we cannot ever comprehend, imagine or even visualise but I definately believe in a "higher being".
It might not make sense to some but it works for me