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Turkish newspaper says 7000 Turkish Cypriots killed 63-74

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:50 pm

zan wrote:So to achieve your aim you are trying to sell me faulty goods. I have asked you before; as a buisnessman, what do you do when a person brings back a faulty good that you have sold him?

Guarantee against faulty materials and workmanship. This means they repair the faulty parts free of charge. You could always refuse to buy if on eye check the goods did not look ok.

So what;s your point?
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:03 pm

VP let's just say we are all happy to know you are well and in best of health.
Shall we bring in some ekmekateifi so that we sweeten our thoats?
Would that make you happy? Can I have some of your pizza in return?

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Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:39 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:VP WROTE :

""""""your pack which includes miltiades have been putting your opinions on this forum just like me but i have been persecuted and singled out for mine, if we were back in 1960 I would have long disappeared by now and been killed and buried, take a step back and think what you are doing you are the modern day eoka and tmt who single out and persecute people for their beliefs because they differ from your own. """"

You amaze me at how intense and perverted your views have become as a result of the persistent propaganda that you have had to endure from the "trnc" , when you suggest that Birk , Kikapu myself and others who are committed to one united Cyprus where all Cypriots are equals , we are in fact the "modern day EOKA and TMT .Never have I encountered such sickening graffiti , never have I been accused seriously by any one that I am the modern face of EOKA . You have a unique perverted ideology and it is not shared by the majority of the T/Cs . Let us put this to the test , ask the posters on this forum , how many consider Miltiades , Bir , Kikapu ,Humanist , Pyr as MODER DAY EOKA -TMT . YOU DO TALK CRAP !!

Miltiades you really need to come up to speed, just like your not grasping the way to use quote function on this forum you still dont undersand what I am saying, I am questioning your methods not your ideology. Your pack resembles eoka, you have this ideology of one Cyprus be it good or bad and you blindly persecute, judge and condemn anyone who dares speak of anything which is not inline with your ideology. This is not just outright unfair but its an intrusion on my right to say and express my opinions on this forum.

Now your last posts have knowingly avoided the subject of your challenge which you and your pack have demanded to prove what we already know. Its time to make apologies and to get your followers to do the same and to show what you are made of by keeping your word and contributing to charity dont forget your cohorts pledge of 50.000 pounds which kikapu claims will cover everyone contirbution as he does not want to pledge anything.

I will reiterate once again FOR THE LAST TIME , as a gesture of respect to Birkibrisli , he , having expressed a wish that we ought to move on and allow the fact that you are an official propagandist of the "TRNC" , put to rest. My challenge stands , prove you are not and my contribution will be sent .
I do not have followers on this forum , there are responsible hate free people , genuine Cypriots not bloody foreigners masquerading as Cypriots , people who share with me our vision of a united people.
So that you know , you may have missed my numerous posts on this matter I will remind you. My daughter , the only one I have , leaves in Cyprus and has given us our only grand daughter a 3 year and 5 month old gorgeous little girl. Your children are precious to you but let me tell you as Cypriot children they are also precious to me because they will inherit our island and I'm determined to influence mine to consider yours as their brothers and sisters , I will not stand by and see my grand daughter be brainwashed and made to feel even one gram of hatred for her compatriots. Make sure you do the same and sooner or later we will have liberated children amongst us to drive and lead the mentally raped ones that nurture such hateful feeling as you do.

As for not grasping the " quote" essence , if that really bothers you I will be more careful.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:35 pm

I will reiterate once again FOR THE LAST TIME , as a gesture of respect to Birkibrisli , he , having expressed a wish that we ought to move on and allow the fact that you are an official propagandist of the "TRNC" , put to rest. My challenge stands , prove you are not and my contribution will be sent .

You have obviously discussed this with Bir and decided on the above, which is a feeble attempt at an apology? if it is then you should be a man about it and make it more official, encouraging others in the pack to do the same. Tell everyone what a silly fool you have been and that I do not have anything to with the government or am I a mouth piece as you so wrongly accused me. It was great fun for you and the others when you were all stabbing me with your unfounded accusations, well Miltiades its time to come clean and admit your wrongs, setting an example to others. The fact that you will never donate the 1000 pounds it clear as you had no intention just like Pyro who is not just a fool but a liar even with charity he mocks and makes false promises like his whole outlook on life ridicule and belittle it and make it go away so you wont have to deal with it, this type or person has no respect for others and forum members can judge what he has to say accordingly.

I do not have followers on this forum , there are responsible hate free people , genuine Cypriots not bloody foreigners masquerading as Cypriots , people who share with me our vision of a united people.

Good luck to you but as you continue blindly on with your ideology, you must show respect for other opinions and not use eoka tactics to shut people up just because they do not correspond with yours.

So that you know , you may have missed my numerous posts on this matter I will remind you. My daughter , the only one I have , leaves in Cyprus and has given us our only grand daughter a 3 year and 5 month old gorgeous little girl. Your children are precious to you but let me tell you as Cypriot children they are also precious to me because they will inherit our island and I'm determined to influence mine to consider yours as their brothers and sisters ,

You are correct I was not aware that your daughter lives in south Cyprus and that you have grandchildren here( may god bless them) so now although you live thousands of miles away you would not want a solution whereby they would be put at risk in any shape or form, thats why I want safety measures to ensure this for both communites not only mine.

I will not stand by and see my grand daughter be brainwashed and made to feel even one gram of hatred for her compatriots.

Then you better go try and change the education system in the south as they are doomed to feel hatred towards everything Turkish. There are many great examples of this on the forum.

Make sure you do the same and sooner or later we will have liberated children amongst us to drive and lead the mentally raped ones that nurture such hateful feeling as you do.

Two of my children are adults 18+ and only my son is at a very impressionable age, I will let you into a secret his biggest admirer is my GC friend whom he has known from the age of 4, so you see they have been exposed to GCs even before the crossings were opened and think no differently of them as they would our next door neighbour. The only thing is that they read and listen to the news and what people talk about the GC administration and what it is trying to do and with everything being so negative of course they are influenced accordingly, I have always tried to ensure they form their own opinions by not taking things on face value and asking questions, they have absolutely nothing against GCs as individuals but despise and mistrust like 99% of TCs the "RoC" for doing what it is doing against us.

So Miltiades where do we go from here? you are obviously not willing to come to the TRNC so that I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am not what you accuse me off and hand over your donation as a sign of eating humble pie. How else can I shut you and people like up and obtain the official apology I deserve.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:49 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:[ 50.000 pounds which kikapu claims will cover everyone contirbution as he does not want to pledge anything.

Yes, I'm a cheap skate. :lol:

VP, I keep telling you, the offer by Pyro, did not say it was in £££££'s. It just said, 50,000. This could be anything. :!:

I'll tell you what though. I do give to charities now and again, but if you do run down the street naked, I'll help a drive, to raise some money for you. :idea:

Kikapu we all knew Pyro would not have the integrity or courtesy or even the money to make such a contribution, hes all talk and shouldn't be taken to seriously as he always makes jokes about everything and everyone but he doesn't realize the joke is on him.

Yes you are a cheap skate and its obvious you are not coming north when you visit the island or you would have agreed to meet or give me details of your family.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:35 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Yes you are a cheap skate and its obvious you are not coming north when you visit the island or you would have agreed to meet or give me details of your family.


Why don't you give me details of your family members in the UK, so that I can visit them, next time I go there, while visiting my family.

Besides, my mother's side of the family, does not know who "kikapu" is, if you went to ask them about me. They would need a "real name" :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:02 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Yes you are a cheap skate and its obvious you are not coming north when you visit the island or you would have agreed to meet or give me details of your family.


Why don't you give me details of your family members in the UK, so that I can visit them, next time I go there, while visiting my family.

Besides, my mother's side of the family, does not know who "kikapu" is, if you went to ask them about me. They would need a "real name" :lol:

I am willing to open up my life to miltiades show him where I work my home my family and friends and you cannot give one of your family members here in the TRNC, isnt this double standards?
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:13 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Yes you are a cheap skate and its obvious you are not coming north when you visit the island or you would have agreed to meet or give me details of your family.


Why don't you give me details of your family members in the UK, so that I can visit them, next time I go there, while visiting my family.

Besides, my mother's side of the family, does not know who "kikapu" is, if you went to ask them about me. They would need a "real name" :lol:

I am willing to open up my life to miltiades show him where I work my home my family and friends and you cannot give one of your family members here in the TRNC, isnt this double standards?

Then go and see one of Miltiades's family member, because I have never asked for you to prove to me, that you're are not Turkish. I only accused you of being a Partitionist and a Propagandist. I'm willing to soften my stance on the propaganda part, as long as you continue as you're now, just debating your argument.

By the way, I really enjoyed reading what you said on the other thread, regarding your children and their ages and their friendship with the GC's and on how they are allowed to think for them selves. This is the kind of information, that we all throw out there, that makes us human. You had earned my respect VP, while I was reading a little bit of your life, behind the scenes.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:28 pm

Viewpoint wrote:miltiades
I will reiterate once again FOR THE LAST TIME , as a gesture of respect to Birkibrisli , he , having expressed a wish that we ought to move on and allow the fact that you are an official propagandist of the "TRNC" , put to rest. My challenge stands , prove you are not and my contribution will be sent .

You have obviously discussed this with Bir and decided on the above, which is a feeble attempt at an apology? if it is then you should be a man about it and make it more official, encouraging others in the pack to do the same. Tell everyone what a silly fool you have been and that I do not have anything to with the government or am I a mouth piece as you so wrongly accused me. It was great fun for you and the others when you were all stabbing me with your unfounded accusations, well Miltiades its time to come clean and admit your wrongs, setting an example to others. The fact that you will never donate the 1000 pounds it clear as you had no intention just like Pyro who is not just a fool but a liar even with charity he mocks and makes false promises like his whole outlook on life ridicule and belittle it and make it go away so you wont have to deal with it, this type or person has no respect for others and forum members can judge what he has to say accordingly.

I do not have followers on this forum , there are responsible hate free people , genuine Cypriots not bloody foreigners masquerading as Cypriots , people who share with me our vision of a united people.

Good luck to you but as you continue blindly on with your ideology, you must show respect for other opinions and not use eoka tactics to shut people up just because they do not correspond with yours.

So that you know , you may have missed my numerous posts on this matter I will remind you. My daughter , the only one I have , leaves in Cyprus and has given us our only grand daughter a 3 year and 5 month old gorgeous little girl. Your children are precious to you but let me tell you as Cypriot children they are also precious to me because they will inherit our island and I'm determined to influence mine to consider yours as their brothers and sisters ,

You are correct I was not aware that your daughter lives in south Cyprus and that you have grandchildren here( may god bless them) so now although you live thousands of miles away you would not want a solution whereby they would be put at risk in any shape or form, thats why I want safety measures to ensure this for both communites not only mine.

I will not stand by and see my grand daughter be brainwashed and made to feel even one gram of hatred for her compatriots.

Then you better go try and change the education system in the south as they are doomed to feel hatred towards everything Turkish. There are many great examples of this on the forum.

Make sure you do the same and sooner or later we will have liberated children amongst us to drive and lead the mentally raped ones that nurture such hateful feeling as you do.

Two of my children are adults 18+ and only my son is at a very impressionable age, I will let you into a secret his biggest admirer is my GC friend whom he has known from the age of 4, so you see they have been exposed to GCs even before the crossings were opened and think no differently of them as they would our next door neighbour. The only thing is that they read and listen to the news and what people talk about the GC administration and what it is trying to do and with everything being so negative of course they are influenced accordingly, I have always tried to ensure they form their own opinions by not taking things on face value and asking questions, they have absolutely nothing against GCs as individuals but despise and mistrust like 99% of TCs the "RoC" for doing what it is doing against us.

So Miltiades where do we go from here? you are obviously not willing to come to the TRNC so that I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am not what you accuse me off and hand over your donation as a sign of eating humble pie. How else can I shut you and people like up and obtain the official apology I deserve.

You can start by removing the blinkers and refer to the Republic of Cyprus as the rest of the world refers to .For your information , although I have emailed and received emails from many on this forum , I believe that Birk has never contacted me by email. I respect the man not only that he was born a few miles from where I was but also for being a real Cypriot without any hatred for any Cypriot , unlike you who is demonised by your own propaganda and constantly highlight the negative reasons as to why our island , or part of it , ought to be annexed to a foreign nation.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Mar 25, 2007 11:39 pm

miltiades wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:miltiades
I will reiterate once again FOR THE LAST TIME , as a gesture of respect to Birkibrisli , he , having expressed a wish that we ought to move on and allow the fact that you are an official propagandist of the "TRNC" , put to rest. My challenge stands , prove you are not and my contribution will be sent .

You have obviously discussed this with Bir and decided on the above, which is a feeble attempt at an apology? if it is then you should be a man about it and make it more official, encouraging others in the pack to do the same. Tell everyone what a silly fool you have been and that I do not have anything to with the government or am I a mouth piece as you so wrongly accused me. It was great fun for you and the others when you were all stabbing me with your unfounded accusations, well Miltiades its time to come clean and admit your wrongs, setting an example to others. The fact that you will never donate the 1000 pounds it clear as you had no intention just like Pyro who is not just a fool but a liar even with charity he mocks and makes false promises like his whole outlook on life ridicule and belittle it and make it go away so you wont have to deal with it, this type or person has no respect for others and forum members can judge what he has to say accordingly.

I do not have followers on this forum , there are responsible hate free people , genuine Cypriots not bloody foreigners masquerading as Cypriots , people who share with me our vision of a united people.

Good luck to you but as you continue blindly on with your ideology, you must show respect for other opinions and not use eoka tactics to shut people up just because they do not correspond with yours.

So that you know , you may have missed my numerous posts on this matter I will remind you. My daughter , the only one I have , leaves in Cyprus and has given us our only grand daughter a 3 year and 5 month old gorgeous little girl. Your children are precious to you but let me tell you as Cypriot children they are also precious to me because they will inherit our island and I'm determined to influence mine to consider yours as their brothers and sisters ,

You are correct I was not aware that your daughter lives in south Cyprus and that you have grandchildren here( may god bless them) so now although you live thousands of miles away you would not want a solution whereby they would be put at risk in any shape or form, thats why I want safety measures to ensure this for both communites not only mine.

I will not stand by and see my grand daughter be brainwashed and made to feel even one gram of hatred for her compatriots.

Then you better go try and change the education system in the south as they are doomed to feel hatred towards everything Turkish. There are many great examples of this on the forum.

Make sure you do the same and sooner or later we will have liberated children amongst us to drive and lead the mentally raped ones that nurture such hateful feeling as you do.

Two of my children are adults 18+ and only my son is at a very impressionable age, I will let you into a secret his biggest admirer is my GC friend whom he has known from the age of 4, so you see they have been exposed to GCs even before the crossings were opened and think no differently of them as they would our next door neighbour. The only thing is that they read and listen to the news and what people talk about the GC administration and what it is trying to do and with everything being so negative of course they are influenced accordingly, I have always tried to ensure they form their own opinions by not taking things on face value and asking questions, they have absolutely nothing against GCs as individuals but despise and mistrust like 99% of TCs the "RoC" for doing what it is doing against us.

So Miltiades where do we go from here? you are obviously not willing to come to the TRNC so that I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am not what you accuse me off and hand over your donation as a sign of eating humble pie. How else can I shut you and people like up and obtain the official apology I deserve.

You can start by removing the blinkers and refer to the Republic of Cyprus as the rest of the world refers to .For your information , although I have emailed and received emails from many on this forum , I believe that Birk has never contacted me by email. I respect the man not only that he was born a few miles from where I was but also for being a real Cypriot without any hatred for any Cypriot , unlike you who is demonised by your own propaganda and constantly highlight the negative reasons as to why our island , or part of it , ought to be annexed to a foreign nation.

Dont bullshit me and show courtesy answering the questions directly.
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