Birkibrisli wrote:Be careful,Zan...If I am not mistaken the elite commando unit of the Turkish Army are the ones with blue berets...
Look everyone,this is getting really boring.There is no way VP can prove to us he/she is not working for the TRNC Information Office.(Unless he/she agrees to show us/prove us that he/she gets paid from somewhere else other than the TRNC Information Office,which is too much a privacy invasion to ask...So why don't we make truce with VP. He doesn't allege/insist that he speaks for the "average TC",and we just accept that he/she is just expressing his/her own opinions.There is no average TC for VP to represent anyway.And very soon there will be no TC left for VP to represent.Sure there will always be plenty of Turks who live in Cyprus,but they will not be Turkish Cypriots in the sense that we use in this forum.
For my money VP is trying
too hard to make us believe he is an individual just hooked on this and other forums on Cyprus. And that makes me believe that he is not an individual,but part of a TRNC propaganda team. I mean Zan also thinks more or less like VP and so does MR,but we do not suspect them for being anything else other than themselves. Why do we suspect VP then???
So lets go on and not get sidetracked by VPs antics.
Lets presume he only represent himself,and give him the benefit of the doubt.We have no other choice anyway. We can't prove he is part of a team,and he can't prove he is an individual...Lets move on...My mother says something in Greek (still) when she wants to go somewhere...Emros,Imrayiliyos...from memory...this is the order she gives us!!!!At 87 she is still formidable,and we do as she says...Emros, imrayiliyos....

Bir lets get one thing cleared up yet again I am male so that would make me a he, could you show a minimum level of common courtesy to take note and correct the error of your ways, or as I always say two can play such silly games.
Next put your money where your mouth is as I have stated that I am prepared to prove to your best friend miltiades how stupid and ignorant you have all been by proving that I do not work for the government and that I do represent the average TC oprinions, I am also prepared to intoroduce him to TCs who have far more hardened views than mine, at least I have left the door ajar on unificaiton many TCs dont give a shit about uniting with Gavurs..
But I must again repeat its only fair that you do not discriminate and ask the same is asked of people like Pyro Pits and Kiakpu, even yourself so that everything can come out into the open, your pack which includes miltiades have been putting your opinions on this forum just like me but i have been persecuted and singled out for mine, if we were back in 1960 I would have long disappeared by now and been killed and buried, take a step back and think what you are doing you are the modern day eoka and tmt who single out and persecute people for their beliefs because they differ from your own.
Could you also clarify exactly which other forums I contribute to? I admit I very seldomly contribute to TCyprus but that hardly constitutes an intense campaign that you are trying to portray.
As for trying hard to prove I am not what you accuse me of, if you consider rising to the challenge as trying hard then you are correct it appears you are the ones trying hard to avoid being ridiculed for the idiotic mentality you have displayed to everyone on this forum. Can you please clairify what you will do when you have been proved wrong? I want you to apologise donate to charity and eat humble pie like the rest of your twisted pack.