Viewpoint wrote:miltiades wrote:Viewpoint wrote:miltiades wrote:I believe the cancer foundation is the same one that Phanourios a few weeks back requested donations.
Cancer donations should be voluntary and not dependant up on the outcome of the answer of VPs department.
Phanos perhaps can email me to confirm that this is the foundation to which I previously donated. Judging by the advice that Zan gave you """Under no circumstances should you do that VP "" meaning of course visit the RoC , Zan , as intelligent as he thinks he is , has betrayed VPs by this statement. The cancer foundation in the occupied part of Cyprus must not loose out , I ask that Phanos please contact me and we will arrange a donation not based on VPs having to prove the impossible.
Am I sensing a chickening out miltiades, you said a charity of my choice you cannot tell me which one?
zan would never betray me I think he was referring to me running down the street naked![]()
You are all running scared![]()
when are you coming to the TRNC miltiades? so I can show you around my work place my home and take you for a meal in Kyrenia? I want to apologise continously for your stupidity and make an offical apology on this forum.
Yes VP I said a charity of your choice and you proposed the Cancer Society in Northern Cyprus , perfectly a good cause , I merely asked if this is the same one that Phanouriors requested donations for some weeks back and I donated £100.00 .Perhaps Phanourios can confirm this is the same one , the " bet " is still on , and I would not wish to be photographed by any newspaper or other publicity. Cancer work is very close to my heart having lost a sister to cancer and with my wife fighting this dreadful decease for 5 years now. I will do what ever I can here in the UK to raise money for the Turkish Cypriot victims of cancer and I hope Phanourios will email me.
Why is it so important to find out if it is the same charity? dont forget Pyros 50.000 pounds that Kikapu confirms he has pledged.
The photo shoot would be good for TC GC relations dont you think? your visit to the TRNC and details of this challenge and all the shit that went on before would make good reading dont you think?? We can have Fanos cover the story for BRT.
My pledge stands ! The cancer charity organization , being the recipient of funds can be Turkish Cypriot , Turkish , Greek Cypriot , or any other registered charity irrespective of the ethnicity of the patients for whose interest such worthwhile organizations provide. Cancer knows no religion , no age no ethnicity .
I merely requested to know if the cancer society that you proposed was the same one as the one promoted by Phanourios. As you know all charities have to be registered and all have a registration number issued by their respective administrative bodies. A charity registered in occupied Cyprus is just as much a charity as any other world charity , I make this clear. So lets have you VP , Your proof that you are not a member of an organization of the "TRNC" whose agenda is to discredit the G/Cs and to convince all that the two communities can not co habit and hence only partition or annexation by Turkey can be a solution . Prove it , any suggestions how ?