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Papadopulos Says OHI Again To Talks With Talat

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:03 am

Kikapu wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
You are my friend and being just a few years older than your self , also in possession of a few mobiles !! take my advice get your self a Nokia but dont tell VPs department much about the whereabouts of your family in Cyprus. Beware of mutton dressed as lamb is a motto you should adopt , in fact I wanted to use it as my ....official emblem.

Thanks Miltiades.

Hey, as far as the USA goes, don't forget, as an American, I'm allowed to piss my government off. If you stand in the way, you end up getting some too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know what the hell VP's up to, but if he does find my family, I hope he has the courtesy, to let me know, where they are. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You have a terrific sense of humour Kikapu , I'm certain that if VP doesn't find your family he will most probably " invent " one for you , he is rather good at inventions or rather they are !!
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:05 am

miltiades wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
You are my friend and being just a few years older than your self , also in possession of a few mobiles !! take my advice get your self a Nokia but dont tell VPs department much about the whereabouts of your family in Cyprus. Beware of mutton dressed as lamb is a motto you should adopt , in fact I wanted to use it as my ....official emblem.

Thanks Miltiades.

Hey, as far as the USA goes, don't forget, as an American, I'm allowed to piss my government off. If you stand in the way, you end up getting some too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know what the hell VP's up to, but if he does find my family, I hope he has the courtesy, to let me know, where they are. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You have a terrific sense of humour Kikapu , I'm certain that if VP doesn't find your family he will most probably " invent " one for you , he is rather good at inventions or rather they are !!

What hypocrites.....
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:09 am

askimwos wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Good points VP. I hope asimwos is listening.
Man GCs are antagonistic between themselves and Askimwos says they will share their clients with TCs.

Tut tut tut.

I see! You are now aligning with Vp!
Well nationalists can support each other some times even if they are the worst enemies.
I suggest to read my previous post Pyr. You were quick to jump on Vp's bandwagon!

I don't know why you put nationalism in here. VP put a rational argument down. Your argument was irrational. Simple really.

And who told you I am an enemy with VP? Most of the times I disagree with him but never ever felt hate for this person.
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Re: Papadopulos Says OHI Again To Talks With Talat

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:12 am

Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Without a second thought I would intervene and stop the beating secondly I would tell the police exactly what I saw. But ask yourself if a Gc would do the same if the roles were reversed, .

VP, I only care what I do, because I can not control anyone else. I have to follow my own principles. If the GC does not do the same, should not prevent me from doing what's right thing to do. It's very simple really, so you must now understand, how I function. I go with what's right, to best of my knowledge. If I'm wrong, I will accept my punishment. I have to stand on principles, or else, it is not worth standing at all. I try to take a stance, that I believe to be the best for all Cypriots, even if it appears to be against my community (TC's) by others, because of their own agenda.

So lets say you had the choice between living in Rwanda where they would rather cut of your head as far as look at you or somewhere where you felt safe and at home, you would still choose to throw you and your family at the risk of living with Rwanadan terrorists for sake of your princples, well all I can say is good luck as your princples will get you in a lot of shit, but please dont try force me into a situation I do not want and consider to be detremental to me and my loved ones.
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Re: Papadopulos Says OHI Again To Talks With Talat

Postby Kikapu » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:12 am

Viewpoint wrote:
Many GCs can speak Turkish very well.

Miltiades and Pyro are putting their money where their big mouths are all for the sake of charity how about you? you accused me of many things your turn to face the music or are you just a cheap skate who lives miles and miles away telling us we are wrong and that we shoudl put our necks on the chopping block as long as yours is safe.

Yes, I'm a cheap skate. :lol:

I've accused you of being a partitionist and a what's your question.?

I have not changed from my beliefs. In fact I have defended you, by not being many VP's, and also not working for the "TRNC". You are the one that made the claim, that you were fired from the "TRNC".

You also mislead people in many different ways, for example by holding a British Passport, but claiming to be travelling to the UK and the USA with a "TRNC" issued passport, by waiting for a while, to obtain visas.

I'm sorry but, you made a lot of claims at times, that were not always correct.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:15 am

VIewpoint wrote: I will give you the benefit of the doubt but both sides are free to work together right now, if they were greedy they would have jumped on the band wagon a long time ago. I think you need to find a GC tour operator and ask them why they do not forge these ties with the north.

Because those who own the hotels in the RoC controlled areas are those who lost their hotels in Famagusta and Kyrenia damn it. And Askimwos is just seeing dreams.
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Postby askimwos » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:26 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
askimwos wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Good points VP. I hope asimwos is listening.
Man GCs are antagonistic between themselves and Askimwos says they will share their clients with TCs.

Tut tut tut.

I see! You are now aligning with Vp!
Well nationalists can support each other some times even if they are the worst enemies.
I suggest to read my previous post Pyr. You were quick to jump on Vp's bandwagon!

I don't know why you put nationalism in here. VP put a rational argument down. Your argument was irrational. Simple really.

And who told you I am an enemy with VP? Most of the times I disagree with him but never ever felt hate for this person.

Because on your attempt to dismiss an argument that did not fit your views which in some cases do sound nationalistic you were quick to jump on Vp's bandwagon without even reading my posts.

Nobody said that you hate Vp, the enemy term was used in a way to show that Vp is in the one extreme and you some times in the other exreme.

I believe that people should think out of the box and not stick to 1960's politics. There are ways towards reunification and reconciliation that do not require a complete solution to be signed first. What I mean that the notion of solving the problem and then starting to work on economic intergration and reconciliation is the old way of thinking and maybe we need to take things step by step and improve the trust between the two sides first.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:26 am

Yes, I'm a cheap skate.

Yes you are, not even 100 pounds for chairty, whats wrong wont your wife let you, Miltiades ig giving 1000 and Pyro 3000, you were happy enough to throw all that shit at me now show everyone you are will to make a humanstic donation to chairty for your big mouth.

I've accused you of being a partitionist and a what's your question.?

Paritionist I agree but propagandist noway, there is not question other how will you prove your are a TC?

I have not changed from my beliefs. In fact I have defended you, by not being many VP's, and also not working for the "TRNC". You are the one that made the claim, that you were fired from the "TRNC".

After accusing me of ecactly that, that farewell message was a joke if you cannot see that then you have no sense of humour, please me working at orphanides come on :lol:

You also mislead people in many different ways, for example by holding a British Passport, but claiming to be travelling to the UK and the USA with a "TRNC" issued passport, by waiting for a while, to obtain visas.

I am not lieing I have travelled all over the USA with my TRNC passport after obtaining a visa. I still have the documents to prove it.

My inlaws have used TRNC passports to enter the UK on many occassion after obtaining visas. TCs use TRNC passports even today.

I'm sorry but, you made a lot of claims at times, that were not always correct

Please list them or retract this statement and apologise.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:26 am

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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:26 am

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