If he is the next president, it ll be a chaos, islamists r getting stronger n stronger which scares most of the people..many believes there r islamists even in army..can u imagine Turkish Army+nationalists+islamists all together just next to u??
If Erdogan is re-elected then that also suggests that he has the majority in popularity or if you like the “moderates” are greater in number. Erdogan is meant to be the "good" guy Karma.
So I believe ( u like it or not ) it is for every1s benefit if Turkey becomes a member of EU...otherwise I m leaving for Papua -New Guinea to live
It is in the interests of Cyprus that hard-line extremists, not Erdogan, come to power in Turkey dear Karma because that would bring us closer to attaining worldwide support for the removal of the Turkish army. We do not want a “civilized” Turkey because it’s not in our interests to “bargain” over our territory. I for one am not interested in bargaining over what is rightfully ours.