by gabaston » Sat Apr 30, 2005 11:30 am
Can anyone tell me what they expected to get from Eu membership?
Have you got it? Guys it just gets worse.
Cyprus has joined the Club, and what has happened?
Jack has happened, other than becoming ..great.
The Eu say jump n Cyprus says "how high"?
They gave Cyprus the veto......................try and use it, and see what happens.
Why Turkey would even want to join this mad club is beyond me.
The reason Eu is talking to Turkey is so that Turkey can contribute to this mad economic wasteland.
Guys you've been duped. Turkey stay out, they'll bleed you dry.
The only way the Eu members might benefit, and I repeat the word might, is if in hundreds of years they merge as one nation.
So if saving ten minutes at the airport, is worth trebel the cost cost of living, or for some reaon you might want to work in Britain, or France or Estonia, (God knows why you might might to) then great, but otherwise, it was a big mistake..............