1. The administration would have to have its TC representation in place to protect my rights.
It’s the Democracy reinforced by the EU that will protect your rights. I strongly believe Cyprus can work for as long us Democracy is allowed to do its job, it's imbalanced arrangements that can ruin us.
2. Schools for TC children.
That’s no sweat. Turkish is already being taught at uni/colleges I’ll have you know.
3. All documentation in both languages.
That’s already there.
4. TC representation in all government and official bodies.
Again, the Democracy doesn’t discriminate so I don’t see a problem there.
5. Return of property to TC refugees if this is a long and delayed process then the payment to temporary accommodation.
To avoid further displacements I think all should just receive a lump sum payment per/lot and just get on with life.
6. Support in finding employment according to education and experience.
That’s something that affects us both.
7. Heavy penalties for acts of discrimination in all areas of life, through a speedy process not delayed and thrown into a draw somewhere.
Actually, that’s starting to pick up pace I’ve noticed.