Kikapu wrote:Joderv1,
I had you on my mind today, so I thought I would pose you a question or two, that you may not find it too comfortable answering. I'm really not trying to piss VP off, but it is important to understand, why some cultures act the way they do. Some of our "backward" thinking people are very strict about what I'm about to ask you.
1. Did you convert to Islam, when you got married.?
2. Were you asked to perform the "virginity test"and I do not mean, by a doctor. Most TC's and Turks know what I'm talking about.
If the above two were not done, then there was never going to be any chance, that any 15th century mental retard parents, were ever going to accept you, into their family. Of course, if you had a lot of money to give them, they would have been more than willing to be "bribed".
Hi Kikapu,
I really laughed when I read your questions to me and I am not uncomfortable answering. I have been honest up to this point.
Now not sure how you will take this but I met my husband in England. He left Cyprus when he was 18 and met me soon after. He told them about me and they asked him to choose them or me. He chose me. We have been together 13 years, but only married for 3 of those 13 and we had a child before marriage too.
No, I did not convert to Islam and there was a mention I do (not to my face though), but my husband never asked and to be honest they are hardly preaching muslims themselves i.e. fasting, praying 5 times a day etc.
No, there was no test. LOL.
Believe me they are not as strict as some Muslims, but they believe that their son should have married a Turkish Cypriot. As far as I know that is what it boils down to.