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Postby Niki » Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:33 pm

Kikapu wrote:Niki,

I once listen to an Black Author on the TV many years ago, but can't remember his name, in which he would pay his way on commercial / merchant ships, months at a time, so that he could find his inspiration to write. I can really understand that.

So you come from bunch of "Salty Dogs" hey. What could be better. :lol:

I learned to sail 20 years ago, by doing a weekend course with a friend in Southampton, then taking a Coastal Navigation course, given free by US Coast Guard Auxiliary, then doing a Celestial Navigation course privately over few days, before buying a 40ft or 12 meters catamaran sailboat with a friend, and sailing it to San Francisco from Scotland, over period of 15 months, covering over 20,000 miles. I could write a whole book on the experience gained in that time period. The boat design was very simple and cheap, which I sill have her today, in San Francisco. It was a Wharram "Narai" design . See some pictures of her sister ships. They all vary a little from each one.

I tell you one thing. We met many people, young and old, even with very young kids with their parent, that have sold the house, or used their savings to buy a boat and become "sea gypsies" for few years, and for some, a life style, so it is there, if you want to give it a go. With today's technology, all you need is a GPS to find your way around the world. Learning to use the sextant, is however, can be a life saver, when all that Hi-Tech stuff breaks down.

Wow - an amazing experience Kikapu, one I imagine you think of often.

It is so easy when you just put in the co-ordinates and the GPS system just takes you wherever you want to go.

When we were sailing on the Ionian we saw what I believe is the most expensive and largest cat in the world. The smaller 35 foot yachts actually sailed out from the stern and it was a huge amout of money to charter. The mast was twice the height of the tallest trees, difficult to imagine unless you saw it. How can it stay upright??
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:05 pm

Niki2410 wrote:

When we were sailing on the Ionian we saw what I believe is the most expensive and largest cat in the world. The smaller 35 foot yachts actually sailed out from the stern and it was a huge amout of money to charter. The mast was twice the height of the tallest trees, difficult to imagine unless you saw it. How can it stay upright??


I've meant to get back to you on this, but kept forgetting.

That does sound like a huge catamaran. And you said, it was a sail boat with very tall mast(s).?

Catamarans are great boats to sail. They are very stable, and sails "upright". They are faster, more spacious, and comfortable than mono hulls. However, most traditional sailors, can be very anti toward "cats". They say that, it is not real sailing, and that it can capsize. Well, it is real sailing, and they can capsize, under very unique situations, that the person at the helm controls. As with everything else when it comes to sailing, you need to know your own limits and of the boats. The good news about "cats" is, if you capsize it, the boat will not sink, where as, if you get a small hole in a mono hull, and you do not catch it in time, the lead keel which can weigh 10's of tons, will pull the boat to the bottom of the ocean, in no time.
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