Well well, what do we have here did you all think I had gone for good? well I honestly did have that in mind but you have zan a true Turkish Cypriot and gentleman, to thank for my return although some will be disappointed all I can say to that is good.
I have to take it as a compliment to my farewell thread 4243 viewings and 296 posts...and even a poll in my honour, Pyro has been voted quite rightly the culprit for his twisted and sick posts against me backed by his henchmen, which on the face of it has got him nowhere but strained eyes in trying to work the dates times minutes seconds of my posts, a man who believes black is white and encourages other blind lost souls to do the same
I shall read up on whats been going on and start to posting, look out everyone I'm back with a renewed enthusiasm to continue showing up you small minded despots for what you really are....